free energy minimization, the thermodynamic model of the lead sulfide flash smelting multi-phase equilibrium system was built. Then, the effects of the smelting temperature (T) and the oxygen volume per... firstly in the oxidation zone, the low-lead slag is produced secondly in the later zone, and the oxidation smelting temperature should be low. Key words: lead flash smelting; Gibbs free energy minimization......
Melting throughout time and energy consumption for TiAl alloys during ISM process SU Yan-qing(苏彦庆), LIU Gui-zhong(刘贵仲), PENG Jun-jie(彭俊杰), GUO Jing-jie(郭景杰), JIA Jun(贾 均), FU Heng-zhi(傅恒志... Melting) process, the effects of power increasing rate and charge mass on the melting throughout time and the energy consumption for TiAl alloys were studied. The results show that the melting......
J. Cent. South Univ. (2021) 28: 2022-2036 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11771-021-4750-6 Variation in energy metabolism structure of microbial community during bioleaching chalcopyrites..., part of Springer Nature 2021 Abstract: The energy metabolism structure of microbial community plays an important role in the process of biohydrometallurgy. In this article, an artificial microbial......
J. Cent. South Univ. (2020) 27: 3053-3062 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11771-020-4528-2 Strength and energy exchange of deep sandstone under high hydraulic conditions LI Fei(李飞)1, 2, YOU Shuang(由爽... characteristics, energy storage state and energy release intensity at peak failure of deep sandstone, a series of triaxial compression tests under hydraulic coupling conditions are carried out. By analyzing......
of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2010, 20(1): 165-170. [23] GAUTAM R, SEIDER W D. Computation of phase and chemical equilibrium: Part I. Local and constrained minima in Gibbs free energy[J]. AIChE... and Technology, Ganzhou 341000,China) Abstract: Based on the principle of Gibbs free energy minimization, the multi-phase equilibrium mathematical model of the copper flash converting process......
Ho3+ was reduced on the nickel electrode. The free energies of formation for the intermetallic compounds between Ho and Ni, the diffusion coefficients and diffusion activation energy of Ho atom in the alloy phase were determined. Key words:rare earths; electroreduction of Ho3+; molten KCl-HoCl3; Ho-Ni alloy; free energy of formation; diffusion coefficient; [全文内容正在添加中] ......
Effect of Bismuth on Intermetallic Compound Growth in Lead Free Solder/Cu Microelectronic InterconnectT.Y. Kang1), Y.Y. Xiu2), L. Hui2), J.J. Wang2), W.P. Tong1) and C.Z. Liu2)1) Key Laboratory.... It was found that the total IMC in Sn10 wt%Bi/Cu joint developed faster than it did in pure Sn/Cu solder joint, when they were aged at the same temperature. And the activation energy Qa for total IMC in Sn10 wt......
pair is solvent-separated Na( H20) g Al( OH) 4 in the solution. Key words: sodium aluminate solution; DFT; solvent effect; hydrated free energy 钼酸钠溶液是拜耳法生产氧化铝工艺中重要的中间物质,揭示铝酸钠溶... calculated respectively in vacuum and in solution, and their relevant hydrated free energies were also obtained by DFT/COSM0. By analyzing the calculated results, it is concluded that hydrated Al( OH......