钨铜复合材料研究的新进展 吕大铭1 (1.北京钢铁研究总院,北京 100081) 摘要:介绍了近年来国内外钨铜复合材料在新品种开发上的进展,如梯度钨铜材料,纳米钨铜材料等.为了开发这些钨铜新材料,叙述了相应的制取工艺上的发展,且概述了钨铜复合材料的主要应用及具有应用潜力的领域. 关键词:钨铜复合材料; 制取; 应用; W-Cu composites; production. application; [全文内容正在添加中] ......
The Antimony Production in ChinaZhao Tiancong Central South University of Technology,Changsha,ChinaZhou Weitao Xikuangshan Bureau of Mines.Lengshaijiang.China摘 要:<正> A full account of the antimony production in China may be found in two new books,respectively titled"Antimony"and"The Metallurgy of Antimony".The former is published inChinese in 1987......
Germanium Production in ChinaShen Huasheng;General Research Institute for Non-ferrous Metals, Beijing 100088摘 要:<正>1 .Introduetion Germanium differs from other metals for its semieonducting ProPerties.The first major stud-ies of solid state Physies in utilizing semieondueting ProPerties were due Primarily to the availabili-ty of high Purity......
that the value of oil production is equivalent to the value of energy consumption, the critical compression ratio of intact seeds is 6.2 while that of crushed seeds is 3.6.Key words:castor bean; residual oil; critical compression ratio; oil production value; energy consumption value......
; 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1672-7207(2013)07-2875-06 Production scale optimization determination method of underground metal mine LUO... production scale of mine, a reliable and simple optimization method was proposed. The resources bearing capacity of mine and the effects of operation of mine, safety pressure in production, degree......
J. Cent. South Univ. Technol. (2011) 18: 1047-1053 DOI: 10.1007/s11771-011-0802-7 Fermentation optimization to improve production of antagonistic metabolites by Bacillus subtilis strain BS501a LI...: To improve antagonistic metabolites production of Bacillus subtilis strain BS501a, physical parameters of fermentation and metal inorganic salts in medium, namely initial pH value, culture temperature......
, the status of the aluminum reduction cell, including security and fatigue life could be acquired and estimated exactly. The obtained results provide the foundation for the production status monitoring... simulation; shell temperature; production status......
PRODUCTION METHODS AND APPLICATIONS FOR HIGH-QUALITY METAL POWDERS AND SPRAYFORMED PRODUCTS M.Hohmann1,S.Pleier1 (1.ALD Vacuuum Technologies AG, Wilhelm-Rohn-Strasse 35, D-63450 Hanau, Germany) Abstract:Metal powders of superlative quality, i.e.high cleanliness, rapidly solidified and spherical shape, have seen an increasing demand in the market.The leading technology for the production......