Effects of the mineral phase and valence of vanadium on vanadium extraction from stone coalYang-jia Hu 1),Yi-min Zhang 1,2),Shen-xu Bao 1,2),and Tao Liu 1,2) 1) College of Resources and Environmental...">The influence of roasting on the leaching rate and valence of vanadium was evaluated during vanadium extraction from stone coal.Vanadium in stone coal is hard to be leached and the leaching rate......
Effects of RE and Vanadium on Microalloyed Steel 王怀斌1,贾连弟1,唐历1,林勤2,宋波2,卢先利3 (1.Panzhihua Iron and Steel (Group;2.Department of Physical Chemistry, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China;3.The Chinese Society of Rare Earths, Beijing 100081, China) Abstract:The effects of RE were studied by TEM, SEM, ICP and thermal simulation methods in vanadium microalloyed steel......
Extracting vanadium from stone-coal by oxygen pressure acid leaching and solvent extraction DENG Zhi-gan(邓志敢), WEI Chang(魏 昶), FAN Gang(樊 刚), LI Min-ting(李旻廷), LI Cun-xiong(李存兄), LI... ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Abstract: Vanadium extraction from stone-coal was investigated by oxygen pressure acid leaching and solvent extraction......
Oxidation process of low-grade vanadium slag in presence of Na2CO3 LI Xin-sheng, XIE Bing, WANG Guang-en, LI Xiao-jun College of Materials Science and Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044, China Received 20 October 2010; accepted 20 January 2011 Abstract: The oxidation process of low-grade vanadium slag in the presence of Na2CO3 was investigated by XRD, SEM/EDS and TG-DSC......
从含钒浸出液中萃取钒的研究现状李尚勇1,2,谢刚3,俞小花3(1.云南省昆明市昆明理工大学环境科学与工程系2.四川省攀枝花市四川机电职业技术学院信息工程系3.昆明理工大学 冶金与能源工程学院,昆明 650093)摘 要:综述在不同的介质中用不同的萃取剂萃取钒的研究进展.指出钒的萃取视钒在溶液中的存在形态不同来选择,在硫酸介质中,萃取钒常用的萃取剂有P204,N1923,TOA,N263等.在盐酸介质中常用的萃取剂是TBP,季铵盐能在碱性溶液中萃取五价钒.指出在萃取钒的过程中,影响萃取率的因素主要有pH值,萃取剂......
;除钒;无钙焙烧;氢氧化铁;吸附 中图分类号:TF803.25 文献标志码:A Removing vanadium from sodium chromate neutral liquid by non-calcium roasting technology with chromium salt YANG De-jun1, 2, WANG... and Engineering, Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing 100190, China) Abstract: According to the current existing problem in the vanadium precipitating process in calcium salt......
; 文献标志码:A Dissolution behavior of vanadium slag in KOH sub-molten salt LIU Hui-bin1, 2, 3, DU Hao1, LIU Biao1, 2, WANG.... China Enfi Engineering Corporation, Beijing 100038, China) Abstract:The dissolution behavior of vanadium slag was studied by decomposing the slag in KOH sub-molten salt. The effects of reaction......
.ysxb.1004.0609.2021-36485 YANG Ya-dong, ZHANG Yi-min, TANG Li, et al. Performance optimization of electrolyte based on sulfate-chloride mixed acid for vanadium redox flow battery[J]. The Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals...浓度及氯离子浓度应分别低于2.2,2.75和6.2 mol/L. 图2 不同钒浓度,硫酸根浓度及氯离子浓度的V(Ⅳ)电解液的电导率及黏度 Fig. 2 Conductivity and viscosity of V(Ⅳ) electrolyte with different vanadium concentration(a), sulfate concentration......
phases in siliceous shale (mass fraction, %) 图1 原矿的XRD谱 Fig. 1 XRD pattern of raw ore 图2 硅质页岩中含钒云母的SEM像 Fig. 2 SEM image of vanadium-containing mica in siliceous shale 1.2...Na2CO3的钒氧化率持续降低;添加Na2SO4的钒氧化率降低程度逐步趋于平缓;而添加NaCl时,钒氧化率先降后升.在钠盐添加量为矿石的2%~6%的范围内,3种焙烧产物中五价钒的含量最为接近. 图3 单盐含量对钒氧化率的影响 Fig. 3 Influence of single salt content on vanadium oxidation rate 2.1.2 ......