of the melt superheat treatment on microstructure evolution was discussed for the immiscible alloys. The microstructure development in ternary Al-Bi-Co alloys directionally solidified with different melt...Microstructure Formation in Al-Bi-Co Immiscible Alloys Directionally Solidified with Different Melt Superheat TemperaturesJie He , Chengyao Xing, Jiuzhou Zhao and Lei Zhao Institute of Metal Research......
DZ125镍基高温合金高温持久断裂后的位错组态丁智1,张军1,王常帅1,苏海军1,刘林1,傅恒志1(1.陕西省西安市西北工业大学凝固技术国家重点实验室)摘 要:研究了熔体超温处理工艺对DZ125镍基高温合金铸态及热处理态高温持久试样位错组态的影响.结果表明:铸态试样的高温持久寿命随熔体超温处理温度的升高而增加.热处理态试样的高温持久寿命随超温处理温度的升高表现为先增加后减少,当超温处理温度为1650℃时,持久寿命达到最大值.随熔体超温处理温度的升高,铸态试样位错密度增大且位错多呈波浪形和不规则网络状分布,热处理......
study was to investigate the use of ultrasonic melt treatment technology in the production of grain-refined billets of the AC7A alloy, which was intended for subsequent use as a feedstock in forming... discussed and analyzed. Key words: Al-4.5Mg alloy; ultrasonic melt treatment; grain refining; intermetallics 1 Introduction Aluminum alloys with magnesium as the major alloying element are used in a wide......
of solidification: (a) Columnar grains without PMF treatment; (b) Columnar/equiaxed grains with 100 V PMF treatment; (c) Equiaxed grains with 200 V PMF treatment When PMF is applied to the melt... voltage. 3) A remarkable structure refinement is achieved when the pulsed magnetic field is applied. The morphology is characterized as wholly equiaxed grains with a 200 V PMF treatment. Melt convection......
Effects of Ti addition on microstructures of melt-spun CuCr ribbons WANG You-hong(王宥宏)1,2, SONG Xiao-ping(宋晓平)1, SUN Zhan-bo(孙占波)1, ZHOU Xuan(周 轩)1, GUO Juan(郭 娟)1 1. School of Science, Xi...: The microstructure and resistivity of melt-spun CuCrTi ribbon were studied. The results reveal that the maximal size of the primary Cr particles in the microstructures is below 100 nm by 0.65%-3.8%Ti......
in the experiments, the optimal feeding speed is 15m/min, treatment temperature should be as low as possible, 1400-1450℃ generally; and cored-wire method can act more effective in ductile iron melt desulphurization...USING HIGH Mg-CONTENT CORED-WIRE TO SPHEROIDIZE AND DESULPHURIZE DUCTILE IRON MELT IN INDUSTRIAL EXPERIMENTS J.G.Ge1,H.J.Ni2,H.S.Wu3,B.D.Sun2,Y.B.Wu3,R.Z.Wu2 (1.Foundry Branch, Harbin Dong......
Vacuum Furnace - Integrated "Sub zero" Treatment B.Zieger1,Hubert Schulte1 (1.SCHMETZ GmbH, Menden, Germany) 摘要:The vacuum heat treatment with overpressure gas quenching is more and more accepted... chamber and "sub zero" systems lead towards an oxidation free and low distortion vacuum heat treatment for a broad range of parts and materials. Short and energy saving processes guarantee a high......
Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 27(2017) 2112 Corrigendum Corrigendum to "Characterization of cooling rate and microstructure of CuSn melt droplet in drop on demand process" [Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 27 (2017), 1636-1644] Yi XU1, N. ELLENDT2, Xing-gang LI3, V. UHLENWINKEL2, U. FRITSCHING2 1. School of Materials Science and Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031......