J. Cent. South Univ. (2012) 19: 2291-2296 DOI: 10.1007/s11771-012-1274-0 Action rules of H2 and CO in gas-based direct reduction of iron ore pellets YI Ling-yun(易凌云)1, HUANG Zhu-cheng(黄柱成)1, PENG Hu... University Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012 Abstract: The gas-based direct reduction of iron ore pellets was carried out by simulating the typical gas composition in coal gasification......
Magnetizing Roasting Mechanism and Effective Ore Dressing Process for Oolitic Hematite Ore余永富College of Resources and Environment al Engineering,Wuhan University of Technology摘 要:Magnetizing roasting of oolitic hematite ore from western Hubei Province was investigated.The mechanism for reduction roasting of oolitic hematite ore was discussed......
J. Cent. South Univ. Technol. (2009) 16: 0043-0048 DOI: 10.1007/s11771-009-0007-5 Carburization of ferrochromium metals in chromium ore fines containing coal during voluminal reduction by microwave...; Abstract: Chromium ore fines containing coal (COFCC) can be rapidly heated by microwave to conduct the voluminal......
Strengthening pelletization of manganese ore fines containing high combined water by high pressure roll grinding and optimized temperature elevation systemZHU De-qing(朱德庆)1, YU Wei(余为)1, 2, ZHOU Xian...:Pelletization is one of useful processes for the agglomeration of iron ore or concentrates. However, manganese ore fines are mainly agglomerated by sintering due to its high combined water which adversely......
Pressure leaching of zinc silicate ore in sulfuric acid medium LI Cun-xiong(李存兄), XU Hong-sheng(徐红胜), DENG Zhi-gan(邓志敢), LI Xing-bin(李兴彬), LI Ming-tin(李旻廷), WEI Chang(魏 昶) Faculty...; Abstract: Zinc silicate ore was characterized mineralogically......
="ChDivSummary"><正>Flotation of indium-beard marmatite from Dulong multi-metallic ore in Yunnan Province of China was studied to improve the grades and recoveries of zinc and indium of the zinc... 10,allowing large savings on lime consumption in the marmatite flotation.In addition,it has been found that a sufficient activated time of activator with ore slurry in the flotation is needed to achieve good......
Separation of silver from silver-manganese ore with cellulose as reductant ZHANG Xiao-yun(张小云), TIAN Xue-da(田学达), ZHANG Dong-fang(张东方) College of Chemical Engineering, Xiangtan University... silver-manganese ore with a grade of 3.15×10-4 was concentrated by a combined beneficiation technique including magnetic separation, flotation, reducing leaching and gravity desliming. The major silver......