of the age hardening potential at elevated temperatures. Natural ageing could fundamentally alter the precipitation near grain boundary, and is a promising method to optimize the precipitation hardening...Natural-ageing-enhanced precipitation near grain boundaries in high-strength aluminum alloyPeipei Ma1,Chunhui Liu1,2,Qiuyu Chen2,Qing Wang1,2,Lihua Zhan1,2,Jianjun Li21. Light Alloy Research......
沉淀硬化不锈钢机械能助渗铝的试验研究朱望伟1,殷铁志2,王向东3,李坚1,陈小平2,米丰毅2,朱志兵4(1.昆明理工大学 冶金与能源工程学院,云南昆明 6500932.中航工业南方航空,湖南株洲 4120023.钢铁研究总院,北京 1000814.江苏正大天晴药业,江苏连云港 222006)摘 要:通过机械能助渗铝工艺,实现对沉淀硬化不锈钢的低温渗铝.500℃渗铝10h,可以在保证基体材料的力学性能基本无损耗的情况下,得到厚度约为11μm的均一渗铝层.采用SEM,EDS,显微硬度分析以及盐雾试验等测试手段对渗铝......
boundaries. As a result, the tensile properties of 2519A aluminum alloy have been significantly improved. Key words: pre-aging deformation; precipitation hardening; tensile properties; aluminum alloys.... Precipitation hardening in Al-Cu-Mg alloys revisited [J]. Scripta Materialia, 2006(54): 287-291. [12] KRAMER L S, BLAIR T P, BLOUGH S D, FISHER J J, PICKENS J R. Stress-corrosion cracking......
Influence of rare earth on the microstructure and age hardening response of indirect-extruded Mg-5Sn-4Zn alloy程伟丽1,2,PARK S S2,唐伟能2,KOO B H11. School of Nano & Advanced Materials Engineering... hardening response and mechanical properties of an indirect-extruded Mg-5wt.%Sn-4Zn (TZ54) alloy were investigated. Addition of Ce accelerated the aging response with the peak aging time moving from 300......
Influence of rare earth on the microstructure and age hardening response of indirect-extruded Mg-5Sn-4Zn alloy程伟丽1,2,PARK S S2,唐伟能2,KOO B H11. School of Nano & Advanced Materials Engineering... hardening response and mechanical properties of an indirect-extruded Mg-5wt.%Sn-4Zn (TZ54) alloy were investigated. Addition of Ce accelerated the aging response with the peak aging time moving from 300......
Dynamic Recrystallization and Precipitation Behavior of Mn-Cu-V Weathering SteelHongyan Wu, Linxiu Du and Xianghua Liu (State Key Laboratory of Rolling and Automation, Northeastern University.... The accurate values of critical strain were determined by the relationship between work hardening rate and flow stress (θ-σ) curves. The hyperbolic sine constitutive equation was employed to describe......
合金中,对合金起着最大的强化作用. 关键词:1973合金;时效硬化;析出相;析出序列 中图分类号:TG 146.21 文献标志码:A Ageing precipitation and hardening behavior of 1973 high strength andhigh toughness aluminum alloy... laboratory of Nonferrous Metal Materials Science and Engineering, Ministry of Education, Changsha 410083,) Abstract: The ageing precipitation and hardening behavior of 1973 high strength and high toughness......
needs finally to add the contribution of solute hardening, precipitation hardening and dislocation hardening[29-30]:  .... Modeling of precipitation kinetics and yield stress [J]. Acta Materialia, 1998, 47(1): 293-305. [2] MYHR O R, GRONG O, ANDERSEN S J. Modelling of the age hardening behaviour of Al-Mg-Si alloys [J]. Acta......
Laser-based directed energy deposition of novel Sc/Zr-modified Al-Mg alloys: columnar-to-equiaxed transition and aging hardening behaviorZihong Wang1,2,Xin Lin1,2,Yao Tang1,2,Nan Kang1,2,Xuehao... sites ahead of the solidification interface. Furthermore, the relationship between the solidification control parameters and precipitation behavior of primary Al3(Sc,Zr) nucleation sites......