-AES and EDX analysis, it can be concluded that Ni2+, Co2+ and Mn2+ in reaction solution are co-precipitated by oxalic acid with stoichiometric ratio during liquid-phase co-precipitation process... as precipitator, Ni2+, Co2+ and Ni2+ begin to precipitate at a similar pH value due to complex reaction with oxalic ion; furthermore, the oxidation of Mn2+ during the co-precipitation process without......
the electrodeposition process, nano-alumina and Ni2+ are firstly carried to the neighbourhood of the electrode by brush plating pen, then they arrive at the electrode surface through fluid boundary layer. Ni2... excellent performance. According to experimental results, the co-deposition mechanism of nano-alumina could be summarized as follows. 1) Ni2+ and n-Al2O3 in solution are carried to fluid boundary layer......
and engulfs the SiO2 nuclei or SiC nanoparticles on the surface, so a continuous external coarse grain NiO scales without SiO2 oxides are developed. Due to the diffusion rate of Ni2+ through SiO2 is considerably less than that through NiO[5, 17], the presence of SiO2 at the metal/scale interface can have a blocking effect on the outward diffusion of Ni2+ through the NiO scale. In this way, the inward......
洁表面进行构型优化,结果列于表2.理想表面和弛豫表面的晶胞模型分别如图2(b)和图2(c)所示.从表2可以看出,最表面的La2原子向上移动凸出表面约0.001 9 nm,最表面的Ni2和Ni4原子向下移动0.010 8 nm,而Ni8与Ni10原子向下移动0.015 1 nm;次表面的Ni6原子发生很小的位置移动,仅向上移动0.000 3 nm;表面第二层La原子向下移动了 0.021 1 nm...去1.30个电子,第二层La1原子失去1.06个电子.而对于最表面层Ni原子:表面第一层第一类Ni原子(Ni8和Ni10)得到0.24个电子,每个第二类Ni原子(Ni2和Ni4)得到0.16个电子.表面层失去的电子比得到的电子多0.5个,即有0.5个净电子,有利于表面层的电子转移到H原子上. 表3 LaNi5(111)及LaNi5(111)-2H表面层的各原子轨道电荷分布......
] discovered that there are D022 and D1a super-structure as a transitional metastable phase in Ni2(Cr, Mo) evolving with time during ageing process using TEM images. In relation to the temporal.... Application of long-range ordering in the synthesis of a nanoscale Ni2(Cr,Mo) superlattice with high strength and high ductility [J]. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2009, 500: 188-195. [9......
构,如图 1(a)所示,其单胞的最高对称性为,空间群为 P6222(No.180),晶格常数a=5.219 0 ?,c=13.293 0 ?[7].Mg2Ni单胞是一种含有12个Mg原子和6个Ni原子的层状结构(6层),每隔一层含有2个Ni原子,分别占据晶格的3b(Ni1)和3d(Ni2)位;而每2个Ni原子层间含有4个Mg原子,分别占据晶格的6f (Mg1)和6i(Mg2)位.Mg2Ni晶胞... 3d24s2.计算模型中,仅对Mg2Ni单胞(见图1(a))和Mg3MNi2(M=Al,Ti)原胞(见图1(e))进行完全弛豫;对于Mg1.67Al(Ti)0.33Ni(见图1(b))与Mg3Al(Ti)Ni2(见图1(c))固溶体晶胞,则仅对其胞内原子坐标进行弛豫,不弛豫其晶胞,固溶体晶胞的晶格常数均与Mg2Ni实验值[7]保持一致.体系弛豫时,总能量的收敛值取2.0×10-5eV/atom, 每个......
electrochemical stability of the anode strong and difficult to be corroded, caused by the adsorption of generated Cu2O, NiO or copper powder to the anode surface. The Ni2+ reducing Cu2+ to Cu+ or copper... to the peak potential is due to the formation of Cu2O (Cu+) and NiO (Ni2+). On the descending part of the anodic branch AB, a shoulder appears due to the formation of CuO (Cu2+) from the reaction......