Mechanical Properties and Weld Properties of Beta-21S彭益群摘 要:MechanicalPropertiesandWeldPropertiesofBeta-21SPengYiqun(彭益群)(GereralResearchInstiuteforNon-ferrousMetals,Beijing100088,China...关键词:......
for dissimilar FSW of Al-Cu. Key words: aluminium; copper; friction stir welding; intermetallic compounds; mechanical properties; weld nugget zone 1 Introduction Obtaining an efficient weld... produces a large number of IMCs in different weld zones which are hard, brittle and possess lower strength and higher electrical resistance [3]. Fusion welding processes used to join Al-Cu......
of Al-Mg-Sc alloy weld joints filled with Al-Mg-Zr and Al-Mg-Zr-Sc weld wires CHEN Su-li1, JIANG Feng1, YIN Zhi-min1, LEI Xue-feng1, 2, NIE Bo1, 3 (1. School of Materials Science and Engineering...-Mg-Sc alloy sheets with 2mm thickness were welded by manual labor inert-gas arc welding method, the mechanical properties and microstructures of Al-Mg-Sc alloy weld joints filled with Al-Mg-Zr or Al......
Effect of strong carbide forming elements in hardfacing weld metalZHANG Yuanbin and REN Dengyi摘 要:<正> To achieve high carbon hard-facing weld metals with both high hardness and crack resistance, strong carbide forming elements Ti, Nb and V were alloyed into the weld metals, and their effect on the formation of carbides and the matrix......
Effect of strong carbide forming elements in hardfacing weld metalYuanbin Zhang and Dengyi Ren1) Department of Materials and Engineering, Shandong Institute of Architecture of Engineering, Jinan 250014, China2) Department of Material Science and Engineering, Shandong University, Jinan 250061,China摘 要:<正> To achieve high carbon hard-facing weld......
有色金属市场显现中国效应冯君从北京安泰科信息开发有限公司摘 要:<正>3月4日晚,LME基本金属价格以铜和锌为先走势强劲,铜价涨6.8%,铅价涨7.9%,锌价涨7.5%,其他品种涨幅较小.金属价格反弹的直接原因:一是,中国采购经理指数连续3个月回升;二是,最近一周LME基本金属报告库存持续迅速下降.这两个因素合二为一,其核心打得都是中国牌.关键词:......
铜市调整压力显现何笑辉北京安泰科信息开发有限公司摘 要:8月份LME铜价再创新高,沪铜价格相对滞涨,国内库存和信贷收紧的消息都形成压力.目前经济数据虽然整体继续偏好,但库存不断增加,价格能从基本面得到的支撑有限,后市短线有较大不确定性,铜市或现高位宽幅波动.关键词:......
铜抛空良机显现郭颂深圳金汇期货经纪有限公司摘 要:<正>美联储会议尘埃落定,市场焦点转回中国.国内现货需求低迷;房地产调控不放松;政策调控初期并不能改变铜价运行趋势.笔者预计铜价在虚高后仍将会出现回落,预计近期将见到阶段性顶部,沪铜参考伦铜8300美元均价逐步建立空头为主.基本金属市场在欧债危机阴霾未散之际迎来了中国有色金属传统的消费旺季,由于全球经济放缓或下滑的压力骤增,以及铜自身下游消费疲软,铜价未能延续去年的强势格局,旺季不旺注关键词:......
矿山压力动态显现的预防Б.Ш.维诺库尔,周正濂摘 要:<正> 上卡姆钾盐矿区第二和第三别列兹尼科夫矿井田的开采,由于以岩盐和瓦斯突出以及岩盐冒落和随后的瓦斯释放等方式形成的矿山压力动态显现而复杂化了.已记录到140多次瓦斯动态显现.钾盐矿山压力显现的特征具有多种多样的形式和条件,这是因为显现形式和条件与大量因素有关.在瓦斯发生动态显现时并未关键词:......