Application of response surface method for contact fatigue reliability analysis of spur gear with consideration of EHLHU Yun(胡贇)1, 2, LIU Shao-jun(刘少军)1, 2, DING Sheng(丁晟)1, 2, LIAO Ya-shi(廖雅诗)1, 2(1...),Changsha 410083, China)Abstract:In order to consider the effects of elastohydrodynamic lubrication (EHL) on contact fatigue reliability of spur gear, an accurate and efficient method that combines......
章编号:1672-7207(2013)01-0095-06 Tooth contact analysis of face gear meshing HE Guoqi1, 2, YAN Hongzhi1, HU Wei1, HE Ying3, SHU Taoliang2 (1. State Key Laboratory of High-Performance Complex.... Department of Resources Engineering, Hunan Vocational Institute of Technology, Xiantan 411104, China) Abstract: According to the theory of face-gear meshing, a study was done on the tooth contact......
An analysis method for correlation between catenary irregularities and pantograph-catenary contact forceQIN Yong(秦勇)1, 2, ZHANG Yuan(张媛)1, 2, CHENG Xiao-qing(程晓卿) 2, JIA Li-min(贾利民)2, XING Zong-yi(邢..., Beijing 102600, China3. School of Automation, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing 210094, China)Abstract:Pantograph-catenary contact force provides the main basis for evaluation......
Influence of Rare Earths on Contact Fatigue of Rail Steels ZHU Gui-lan1,MA Teng1 (1.Department of Physics, Central Iron and Steel Research Institute, Beijing 100081, China) Abstract:Rail/wheel contact fatigue of NbRE rail, Nb rail and U74 rail was investigated using contact fatigue tester. Microstructure and morphology as well as microhardness in the fatigue profiles were analyzed by scanning......
. By the measurement of contact angle, it is indicated that monoclinic and hexagonal pyrrhotites float well and are easily activated by Cu2+ when dithiophosphate is used as the collector. Using sodium diethyl... flotation occurring at about 300 mV (vs SHE). Key words: flotation; pyrrhotite; pulp potential; contact angle 1 Introduction Pyrrhotite is a common sulphide mineral which has a disordered NiAs structure......
. The mechanics beheavior was taken as thermo-elastoplastic contact problem between the roller and slab. By using Element-Free Galerkin-Finite Element(EFG-FE) coupling method, computation model... that the calculated results by the coupling model are close to the measured ones. Key words: rolling-force; contact problem; coupling model 轧制力是超薄快速铸轧生产中的重要参数之一, 轧制力不仅直接影响板坯形状, 也通过铸轧辊的变形间接影响板型控制等; 探求其分布规律......
; 文章编号:1672-7207(2013)05-1822-07 Analysis of fretting frictional contact parameters of aviation involute spline couplings HU Zhenggen, ZHU Rupeng, JIN Guanghu, NI..., the frictional contact property of aviation involute spline couplings was analyzed, the contact stress and relative slip distributions of aviation involute spline couplings were obtained......