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相组成;但是由于Scheil模型不考虑有同相作为反应物参与的包晶反应,对ZA65合金凝固路径和相组成的预测结果与实际铸造组织的柑组成不符. 关键词:Mg-Al-Zn合金; 相平衡热力学; 显微组织; 凝固路径; Mg Al-Zn alloy; phase equilibrium thermodynamics; microstructure; solidificationpath; [全文内容......
3D anisotropy simulation of dendrites growth with phase field method HOU Hua(侯 华)1, ZHAO Yu-hui(赵宇辉)2, NIU Xiao-feng(牛晓峰)1 1. College of Materials Science and Engineering, North University...: The anisotropy problem of 3D phase-field model was studied, and various degrees of anisotropy were simulated by numerical calculation method. The results show that with the change of interface......
, because the Cu content in Cr particles is about 13%, which is much higher than the solubility of Cu in Cr in equilibrium phase diagram (Fig.7) and accords with the character of liquid phase separation... Liquid phase separation of Cu-Cr alloys during rapid cooling SUN Zhan-bo(孙占波), WANG You-hong(王宥宏), GUO Juan(郭 娟) School of Science, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049, China Received 10......
of the equilibrium φ phase in Mg-Zn-Al casting alloys [J]. Acta Materialia, 2001, 14(49): 2701-2711. [13] YUAN Guang-yin, LIU Man-ping, DING Wen-jiang, AKIHISA I. Microstructure and mechanical properties... Phase selection of ternary intermetallic compounds during solidification of high zinc magnesium alloy GUAN Shao-kang(关绍康)1, ZHANG Chun-xiang(张春香)1, WANG Li-guo(王利国)1, WU Li-hong(吴立鸿)1, CHEN Pei......
. Fig.1 Equilibrium phase diagram of Ni-Pb binary alloy[13] In order to investigate the effect of undercooling on liquid phase separation, DTA analysis was employed to study the phase transition... in Fig.2(a) and Fig.3 is 15.40%, corresponding to that of L1 phase in the equilibrium phase diagram at 1 758 K[13]. This indicates that the spherical cell origins from L1 phase which is separated......
100083,China) Abstract:The Gibbs energies of liquid phases in the LaI3-MI (M=Na, K, Cs) systems were described by the modified quasi-chemical model. From the measured phase equilibrium data...Phase equilibria calculation of LaI3-MI (M=Na, K, Cs) binary systems LI Shaobo1,SUN Yimin2,SHAO Guoquan1,WANG Yu1,QIAO Zhiyu3 (1.Department of Chemistry and Materials Engineering,Hefei University......
and phase compositions of the as-cast and equilibrium alloys, together with their heat flow-temperature curves, phase diagrams for three vertical sections were drawn: LaxFe82By (x+y=18), LaxFe70By (x+y=30.... Key words: solidification characteristics; vertical section phase diagram; equilibrium alloy; high temperature stable compound 1 Introduction Nd-Fe-B permanent magnet materials, which have excellent......
to Fe2+ to maintain the charge equilibrium. Key words:chemical materials; barium hexafettite doped rare earths; sol-gel process; phase transformation; mechanism; [全文内容正在添加中] ...Mechanism of Phase Transformation and Formation of Barium Hexaferrite Doped with Rare-Earths in Sol-Gel Process 车平1,张军1,洪广言2,甘树才1,唐娟1 (1.College of Chemistry, Jilin University, Changchun 130026......