J. Cent. South Univ. Technol. (2011) 18: 259-265 DOI: 10.1007/s11771-011-0688-4 Evolution of aggregate surface texture due to tyre-polishing CHEN Xian-hua(陈先华)1, B. STEINAUER2, WANG Da-wei(王大为... and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011 Abstract: Three kinds of aggregates were polished by genuine pneumatic rubber tyres. The initial states of surface texture and dynamic friction coefficient were......
agent信息交流基础李金厚摘 要:多agent系统中,agent之间存在一定形式的信息交流.这是agent相互沟通,相互理解与相互合作的基础.指出agent实现信息交流所需的一些基本条件,提出了意识类信息空间及其同构等的重要概念,还以感觉空间为例给出了一种数学表述形式.强调指出后天信息交互对agent智能形成的重要性及其用于实现agent智能的合理性.提出信息互动及信息互动律等观点.关键词:多agent系统;信息互动;感觉空间;同构空间;......
and mechanical activation significantly accelerate the extraction of Fe, Ca and Mg from Panxi ilmenite concentration. 2) Fe in Panxi ilmenite concentration migrates to the surface of mineral particles... Effects of mechanical activation and oxidation-reduction on hydrochloric acid leaching of Panxi ilmenite concentration TAN Ping1, HU Hui-ping2, ZHANG Li2 1. Department of Biological and Chemical......
基于云模型的Agent联盟评价田敬北1,2,蒋建国1,张国富1,3,苏兆品1,4,刘扬11. 合肥工业大学计算机与信息学院2. 广西工学院电子信息与控制工程系3. 合肥工业大学信息与通信工程博士后流动站4. 合肥工业大学管理科学与工程博士后流动站摘 要:针对多Agent系统中影响联盟功效的因素存在较强的模糊性和不确定性的问题,将定性定量转换模型-–云模型引入Agent联盟评价中,提出一种新的基于云模型的联盟评价方法.与已有方法相比,该方法简单有效,易于工程实现,可较好地处理评价指标的模糊性和不确定性,从而为复杂控制系统中的最佳联盟选择提供更科学,更合理的决策.关键词:复杂控制与决策;多Agent系统;联盟评价;云模型;......
carbon monoxide as reducing agent [12]. HUA et al [13] reported the formation of a mixture of Fe3O4, FeO and zinc fume at 1000 °C. LIANG et al [14] reported the activation energy for reduction of ZnFe2O4... of decomposition was tested with different kinetic models and carbon gasification control mechanism was identified to be the appropriate mechanism. The activation energy for the carbon gasification reaction......
; Abstract: Surface modification of calcium carbonate particles using sodium stearate(SDS) as a modification agent incorporated with the simultaneous wet ultra... reach 35%. If the modification agent is added when the sample is ground to d50=1.33 mm (specific surface area 2.315 m2/g), its effect increases remarkably, and the active rate can reach 98%. Thus, wet......
J. Cent. South Univ. (2020) 27: 2210-2219 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11771-020-4442-7 Effect of laser textured surface with different patterns on tribological characteristics of bearing material... to sliding friction before the lifetime. To improve the durability of the American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) 52100 chromium steel, in this work, the effect of laser surface texturing (LST) was analyzed......
基于Agent方法体系的ODSS研究曾伟,费奇华中理工大学系统工程研究所!武汉430074摘 要:通过组织与多 Agent系统的比较 ,指出组织问题的研究与多 Agent系统可以相互借鉴 ;对组织决策进行分析 ,指出组织知识,组织智能对组织决策的重要性 ;在此基础上 ,提出在组织环境下基于多Agent系统的 ODSS层次模型.关键词:组织;组织决策;组织决策支持系统;多Agent系统(MAS);......