Magnetic and microwave properties of glass-coated amorphous ferromagnetic microwires DI Yong-jiang(邸永江), JIANG Jian-jun(江建军), DU Gang(杜 刚), TIAN Bin(田 斌), BIE Shao-wei(别少伟), HE Hua-hui(何华辉... that of one microwire of 10 mm in diameter and an array of 150 microwires of 1 mm in diameter. The natural ferromagnetic resonance takes place as the microwave magnetic component is perpendicular......
Article ID: 1003-6326(2005)05-1089-07 Effects of high magnetic field on modification of Al-Si alloy LIAN Feng(连 峰)1, 2, QI Feng(齐 峰)1, LI Ting-ju(李廷举)1, HU Guo-bing(胡国兵)1 (1...: Effects of high magnetic field on modification of Al-6%Si hypoeutectic alloy, Al-12.6%Si eutectic alloy and Al-18%Si hypereutectic alloy were studied. For the Al-6%Si alloy, it is found that the sample......
TEMPERATURE DEPENDENCE OF EFFECTIVE MAGNETIC ANISOTROPY OF Fe-Nb-B ALLOY H.H.Zhao1,K.Y.He1,H.C.Yang1,Z.Wang1,L.Z.Cheng1,Y.J.Zhang1 (1.Department of Materials Science and Engineering,Northeastern University,Shenyang 110004,China;2.Tianjin Institute of Technology,Tianjin 300191,China) Abstract:The correlation between the effective magnetic anisotropy <k> and the temperature T,<k>-T curve......
Preparation and magnetic property of multi-walled carbon nanotube/α-Fe2O3 composites CHEN Chuan-sheng(陈传盛)1, 2, LIU Tian-gui(刘天贵)3, CHEN Xiao-hua(陈小华) 2, LIN Liang-wu(林良武)1, LIU Qi...: In order to attain new functional nanomaterials with good magnetic property, multi-walled carbon nanotubes/hematite (MWNTs/α-Fe2O3) composites were synthesized using the co-deposition method. MWNTs......
J. Cent. South Univ. (2019) 26: 75-87 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11771-019-3983-0 Effect of magnetic seeding agglomeration on flotation of fine minerals YUE Tao(岳涛), WU Xi-qing(伍喜庆), DAI Liang(戴... Abstract: Magnetic seeding agglomeration (MSA), i.e., adding magnetic seeds and a low intensity pre-magnetization for fine agglomeration, was applied to the flotation of coal, pyrite and hematite ore......
NANO-MULTILAYERS WITH HIGH PERPENDICULAR ANISOTROPY FOR MAGNETIC RECORDING K.Kang1,T.Suzuki1,T.Yang2,B.H.Li2 (1.Information Storage Materials Laboratory, Toyota Technological Institute, Nagoya... with laser ablation and then subjected to annealing. FePt L1o grains with (001) texture and thus a large perpendicular magnetic anisotropy constant Ku of the order of 106J/m3 were formed. A thick Ag......