空心陶瓷微珠对环氧泡沫塑料力学性能的影响张兆峰1,柯贤朝21. 上海交通大学化学化工学院2. 上海材料研究所上海市工程材料应用评价重点实验室摘 要:制备了空心陶瓷微珠填充的环氧树脂泡沫塑料;测试了材料的拉伸,压缩力学性能,计算得到材料的杨氏模量与泊松比,研究了各参数随空心陶瓷微珠体积含量的变化趋势.结果表明:随着空心陶瓷微珠含量的增加,材料的抗拉强度,拉伸断裂应变,抗压强度,泊松比呈下降趋势,杨氏模量呈上升趋势;微珠与基体之间的粘接力较小.关键词:环氧泡沫塑料;陶瓷微珠;力学性能;......
:Sedum Plumbizincicola; liquid extraction; biomass disposal; heavy metals......
is useful to detect mercury in a sample containing both mercury and nickel together. Key words: enzyme inhibition; amperometric biosensor; heavy metals 1 Introduction The presence of heavy metal salts.... Biosensors based on enzyme inhibition have been applied in a wide range of inhibitory substances such as derivatives of insecticides and pesticides, heavy metals and glycoalkaloids. Inhibition of enzyme......
;controlled by particle and film diffusions. Key words: heavy metals removal; hydrogel; wastewater; adsorption; diffusion mechanism 1 Introduction Heavy metals are serious causes... is very important to organisms and is a dissolving medium of heavy metals. Many toxic heavy metals to human, such as copper (Cu), lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), and chromium (Cr) [1,2], should be removed from......
was discussed. Key words: metals forming; continuous extrusion; stress distribution  ...提高挤压力的有效措施,分析了各变形区的特点与设计准则,为深入理解连续挤压的变形机制和连续挤压机的设计与分析提供有益的参考. REFERENCES [1] Harper S. Special extrusion processes for non-ferrous metals [J]. The Metallurgist and Materials Technologist, 1980......