words: vehicle light-weighting; AA6111 alloy; direct chill casting; hot tearing criterion; pore fraction; finite element simulation 1 Introduction Direct chill (DC) casting has been widely used for fabricating large ingots or billets of Al alloys since the 1930s [1]. With the demands for light- weight and energy-saving of vehicles, 6xxx Al alloy is increasingly used in cars [2,3]. Due......
electron microscopy (TEM, JEM-2100) and high-resolution electron microscopy. The size of the Mo-Al2O3 powders was analyzed by a laser light scattering analyzer (OMCC-LS909). Phase compositions were......
impedance and Z0 is the impedance of free apace; μr is relative complex permeability and is assumed to be 1 in this study; d is the thickness of absorber slab; c is the speed of light in free space; f......
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and technical foundation for the design and application of the 2-DOF luffing mechanism in construction machinery. 3) The modelling approach can shed some light on the researches of the mechanism......
. The redox pair at lower potentials (1.2/2.2 V) could be assigned to the conversion reactions of MnO and Mn3O4, in the light of the previous discussion. The redox pair at higher potentials (2.0/2.8 V......
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resistance and air tightness, it is used in the integration of micro light-emitting diodes (LEDs) or optical detectors, and anodic bonding is used to form a sealed optical cap [4], construction of vacuum.... The energy in the DBD plasma can act on the surface of the material by the collision of light radiation, neutral particle flow and ion current. Therefore, the dissipation process of these energy is the root......
, the atmospheric conditions endured by the two sides, such as the amount of sea salt deposition, rain erosion force and light irradiation intensity, were different. Therefore, corrosion mechanisms of the front......