Preparation of Sr-substituted Hydroxyapatite Nanorods for Liquid Crystal Phase Transition熊焰,ZHANG Yucheng,LIU Wei,LIU Yang,谭军军Hubei Province Key Laboratory of Green Materials for Light Industry... was utilized for the preparation of Sr-substituted hydroxyapatite (HA) nanoparticles.The influences of Sr-substituting degree on the phase identifications,microstructures and colloidal stability......
matrix, to preconcentrate Ni2+ from synthetic aqueous samples. Different generations of PAMAM were used to obtain different chelating resins, PS-IDA, PS-1.0G PAMAM-IDA and PS-2.0G PAMAM-IDA. The synthesized resins were characterized by FTIR and elemental analysis. The effect of solution pH, kinetic studies, resin loading capacity, matrix effects etc., on metal ion adsorption to adsorbent phase......
Phase Separation Process at Early Aging Stage of Ni42CrTiAl Jiao shao-yang1,XU Bing-she1,HU lan-qing1,WEI Ying-hui1,HOU Li-feng1 (1.Taiyuan University of Technology, Taiyuan, China) 摘要:Phase... decomposition is500℃. And the solid solution break into the lean and the rich areas, moreover the rich solute areas would have ordering arrangement to form ordering phase. 关键词:alloy; spinodal decomposition......
Biosorption of cadmium(Ⅱ) from aqueous solutions by industrial fungus Rhizopus cohnii LUO Jin-ming(罗金明)1, XIAO Xiao(肖 潇)2, 3, LUO sheng-lian(罗胜联)4 1. Faculty of Life Science... or recovery of metal ions from aqueous solutions[7]. Some literatures report that many kinds of fungi are capable of removing heavy metals during sewage treatment, such as fungus Aspergillus niger[7......
Corrosion Resistance of Zr-1Nb Alloy in Lithium Hydroxide Aqueous Solution 田黎明1,张鹏程1 (1.中国工程物理研究院,绵阳 621900) 摘要:The corrosion resistance ofZr-1Nb alloy was compared with that of Zr-Sn-Nb-Fe and Zr-4 alloys, and the ef fect of hydrochemistry on the corrosion resistance of Zr-1Nb alloy was discussed. Experimental results show that niob ium oxide is partly soluble in LiOH aqueous solution......
to the visible and near-IR regions of the spectrum. Hereinbefore the modulating of SPR absorption band is successful only in aqueous solvent phase. However, few works have been done on substrates. ASLAN et... that the growth mechanism of tannin as a mild deoxidization in aqueous solvent and on the substrates is different. In aqueous solvent phase, spherical particles are less than those on the solid phase......
of the encapsulated PSCs fabricated with or without g-C3N4 under constant 1 sun illumination[47](b), interface structure with the 2D phase contacting the TiO2 surface(c) and typical module stability test under 1 sun AM...Na0.67Ni0.1Cu0.2Mn0.7O2结构退化得到缓解,且表现出良好的电化学性能. 图12 具有不同层状结构的钠离子电池层状氧化物材料及其钠脱出诱导的相转变[91] Fig. 12 Classification of Na-M-O layered materials with sheets of edge-sharing MeO6 octahedra and phase transition......
PHASE TRANSFORMATION BEHAVIOR IN THE SPUTTERDEPOSITED Ti-Pd-Ni THIN FILMS J.S.Wu1,Q.C.Tian1 (1.Key Laboratory of the Ministry of Education for High Temperature Materials and Tests,School... calorimetry (DSC). It was found that the phase transformation temperatures of Ti50.6Pd30Ni19.4 ingot are much higher than those of its thin film. The B19'' and B19 phases coexisted, together with the Ti2Ni......