(La1?mBim)8+2x(Ti0.95Zr0.05)18O54 (x=2/3) microwave dielectric ceramics prepared by conventional solid-state route were studied. The results show that Bi3+ replaced La3+ into A1 rhombic sites.... The temperature coefficient of resonant frequency (τf) decreases, and the quality factor (Q·f) rapidly decreases. When m=0.05, the optimal microwave dielectric characteristics are achieved as εr=88.63......
Self-adaptive PID controller of microwave drying rotary device tuning on-line by genetic algorithmsYANG Biao(杨彪)1, 2, 3, LIANG Gui-an(梁贵安)3, PENG Jin-hui(彭金辉)2, 3, GUO Sheng-hui(郭胜惠)2, 3, LI Wei(李玮... with genetic algorithms (GA) tuning on-line was investigated, for the temperature control of industrial microwave drying rotary device with the multi-layer (IMDRDWM) and with multivariable nonlinear......
Preparation of Non-Grinding Long Afterglow SrAl2O4:Eu2+, Dy3+ Material by Microwave Combustion Method Du Haiyan1,Sun Jiayue1,Li Gengshen1 (1.College of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Beijing Technology and Business University, Beijing 100037, China) Abstract:The non-grinding long afterglow material SrAl2O4:Eu2+, Dy3+ was prepared by combustion method in home microwave oven directly......
and trend of high-temperature microwave metallurgy reactor PENG Jin-hui1, 2, 3, LIU Bing-guo1, 2, 3, ZHANG Li-bo1, 2, 3, ZHOU Jun-wen1, 2, 3, XIA Hong-ying1, 2, 3, ZHANG Ze-biao1, 2, 3 (1... University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650093, China; 3. Engineering Laboratory of Microwave Energy Application and Equipment Technology, Yunnan Province, Kunming University of Science......
Effect of La2O3-Dopant on Microstructure and Microwave Dielectric Properties of CaO-MgO-Nb2O5-TiO2 System Ceramics Liu Tao1,Chen Wen1,Wang Hao1 (1.Institute of Materials Science and Engineering, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430070, China) Abstract:La2O3-doped CaO-MgO-Nb2O5-TiO2 system ceramics were prepared by solid-state ceramic technique. The microstructure and microwave dielectric......
J. Cent. South Univ. Technol. (2011) 18: 1441-1447 DOI: 10.1007/s11771-011-0859-3 Optimization of processing parameters for microwave drying of selenium-rich slag using incremental improved back..., Kunming 650093, China ? Central South University Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011 Abstract: In the non-linear microwave drying process, the incremental improved back-propagation (BP......
J. Cent. South Univ. Technol. (2009) 16: 0043-0048 DOI: 10.1007/s11771-009-0007-5 Carburization of ferrochromium metals in chromium ore fines containing coal during voluminal reduction by microwave...; Abstract: Chromium ore fines containing coal (COFCC) can be rapidly heated by microwave to conduct the voluminal......
Synthesis Yttrium Aluminum Garnet Precursor via Homogeneous Precipitation under Microwave Irradiation 于庆华1,王介强1,郑少华1,高新睿1,姜奉华1 (1.Material Science and Engineering School, Jinan University, Jinan 250022,China) Abstract:The lowly-agglomerated single-phase YAG nanopowders were synthesized for the first time by the microwave homogeneous precipitation in the presence of urea. The composition......
Characteristics of permittivity and permeability spectra in range of 2-18 GHz microwave frequency for La1-xSrxMn1-yByO3 (B=Fe, Co, Ni) ZHOU Ke-sheng(周克省)1, WANG Da(王 达)1, 2, HUANG Ke-long(黄可龙)3...; Abstract:Doped LaMnO3 has unusual electromagnetic properties, which makes it possible for this material to be used for absorbing microwave. LaMnO3 systems doped by Sr at site A and Fe or Co, Ni......
波特性 中图分类号:TF 803.21 文献标识码:A Non-isothermal kinetics and absorption property of leaching primary titanium-rich materials by microwave heating PENG Jin-hui1, HUANG...-isothermal kinetics of primary titanium-rich material with microwave leaching was investigated. The temperature-pressure curves and microwave absorption property of leaching system were measured......