universal testing machine, respectively. The elastic modulus and yield stress (σ0.2) were calculated from the stress-strain curve. The results show that the elastic modulus changes from 1.6 GPa to 5.6 GPa... section, which is determined by the porous titanium’s anisotropy of the mechanical properties. Key words: porous titanium; mechanical adaptation; elastic modulus; yield stress; titanium mesh-stacking......
多晶Cu屈服及后继屈服拉扭实验的晶体塑性数值分析胡桂娟1,2,张克实1,石艳柯2,苏莉3(1.广西壮族自治区南宁市广西大学工程防灾与结构安全重点实验室2.广西壮族自治区南宁市 广西建设职业技术学院3.航天科工集团二院二一零所)摘 要:针对预拉伸和预扭转变形后的拉扭组合实验,用多晶集合体模型为代表性单元,结合晶体塑性理论对多晶Cu进行了晶粒尺度的屈服特性研究,采用子模型法对晶粒尺度的代表性单元模型和多晶Cu试样拉扭实验进行跨尺度材料力学行为分析.结合对多晶集合体的后继屈服面形状及演化趋势的研究,探讨不同加载路径和......
of tailings slurry 表4 屈服应力与料浆浓度的拟合结果 Table 4 Fitting results of yield stress(σy) and slurry concentration(CS) 表5 塑性黏度与料浆浓度的拟合结果 Table 5 Fitting results of plastic viscosity(vp...度的增大,屈服应力和塑性黏度均呈不断减小的趋势.通过四类模型的拟合结果可以得出,坍落度与屈服应力和塑性黏度的关系符合Logistic模型.因此,料浆的坍落度与屈服应力之间的函数关系如式(5)所示,与塑性黏度之间的函数关系如式(6)所示: 表6 屈服应力与坍落度的拟合结果 Table 6 Fitting results between yield stress(σy......
(NiTi SMA) at room temperature. The plastic mechanics of local canning compression of NiTi SMA was analyzed according to the slab method as the well as plastic yield criterion. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM), high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were used to study the microstructural evolution as well as deformation behavior of NiTi......
for different specimens: (a) N4T0; (b) N0T9; (c) N4T9; (d) N4T0-D; (e) N4T9-D of N4T9, the ductile behavior for the former is evidently characterized by relatively long yield point elongation. Besides...J. Cent. South Univ. Technol. (2010) 17: 1103-1108 DOI: 10.1007/s11771-010-0603-4 Post-fire cyclic behavior of reinforced concrete shear walls LIU Gui-rong(刘桂荣)1, 2, SONG Yu-pu(宋玉普)1, QU Fu-lai......
compressive yield stress and concentration for different flocculant dosage 有关学者提出同一材料的压缩屈服应力与体积分数具有相应的数学模型[18, 22],据此将实验数据进行线性拟合得浓密机全应力范围内压缩屈服应力随体积分数变化规律如图8,不同絮凝剂单耗情况下,压缩屈服应力随体积分数变化规律一致,都呈幂函数及指数函数复合增长.体积分数38%~42%为全尾砂脱水阻力突变起始区域,即体积分数大于该区域,压缩屈服应力迅速上升,表明若获得较高体积分数,则必须提供较大的压力,重塑絮团网状结构. 图8 不同絮凝剂单耗压缩屈服应力与体积分数拟合曲线 Fig. 8 Fitting curves between compressive yield stress and concentration......
post yield behavior with less rate of stiffness degradation and better damage tolerance capacity than conventional technique. Key words: reinforced concrete beams; fiber reinforced composites; flexural... polypropylene fiber and steel fibers such as hooked end, crimpled and brass coated steel fiber varying from 2% to 3% in volume. The moment-curvature behavior, post yield stiffness behavior, modified flexural......