Characterizations on Mechanical Properties and In Vitro Bioactivity of Biomedical Ti–Nb–Zr–CPP Composites Fabricated by Spark Plasma SinteringZheng-Yuan He1,2,Lei Zhang1,2,Wen-Rui Shan1,2,Yu-Qin... Advanced Solidification Forming and Equipment Technology4. IFW Dresden, Institute for Complex Materials摘 要:To alleviate the bio-inert of Ti alloys as hard......
约 1 ?m;合成的晶须表面光滑,顶端残留有催化剂颗粒,具有典型的气-液-固晶须生长机制特征. 关键词:碳氮化钛;碳热还原;晶须;气-液-固机制 中图分类号:TF 123.3 文献标识码:A Phase transformation behavior and growth mechanism of Ti(C, N...),Ti的氧化物及碳黑,而NaCl相的衍射峰已经消失,说明在此温度下NaCl发生反应(1)的分解反应,产生Cl原子,并与TiO2,碳黑发生如式(4)的反应[12-13]: 形成含有Ti原子的TiCl3气体,成为按"气-液-固"机制合成Ti(C, N)晶须所需的钛源.而在此温度下催化剂NiCl2会与碳黑发生如式(5)所示的反应,形成Ni-C共晶液相,并为多相反应系统提供Cl原子......
Influence of Nb and Mo contents on phase stability and elastic property of β-type Ti-X alloys YAO Qiang(姚 强), SUN Jian(孙 坚), XING Hui(邢 辉), GUO Wen-yuan(郭文渊) School of Materials Science..., i.e. the content of Nb is 9.87% (molar fraction) in the Ti-Nb alloy and Mo is 4.77% (molar fraction) in Ti-Mo alloy, the tetragonal shear constant is nearly zero. The Ti1-xXx alloys achieve low phase......
NiTi shape memory alloy(SMA). The microstructure and biomedical properties of the film were characterized by scanning electron microscopy(SEM), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy(XPS), inductively..., Ti show that the film possesses a smooth graded interface structure next to the NiTi substrate and this structure enhances the mechanical stability of titania film. The titania film can dramatically......
and development of low cost titanium alloys [4-5]. Commercially pure titanium (cp-Ti) is one of the most important titanium materials and widely used in many areas such as chemical, nuclear and especially... gradually to a constant value of HV0.5 265 as a distance of about 720 μm from the surface is reached. This hard oxygen-induced alpha case is unavoidable in investment casting of Ti-alloys and can also......
Technology, 2008, 202: 5012-5019. [23] KIM H M, MIYAJI F, KOKUBO T, NAKAMURA T. Preparation of bioactive Ti and its alloys via simple chemical surface treatment [J]. Journal of Biomedical Materials... Introduction Titanium and its alloys are promising biomedical metal materials owing to their good biocompatibility, corrosion resistance and mechanical properties such as strength, hardness and wear......
: TC18 Ti alloy; disc; isothermal die forging; finite element method 盘类及盘轴类回转对称构件作为机械传动和承载的关键部件,在航空航天,能源,交通等诸多领域具有广泛的应用.近年来,随着我国国民经济和科学技术的发展,高性能盘件的需求量迅速增加,对其质量及性能上的要求也越来越严格[1].高性能钛合金的开发与应用,能够有效减轻盘件自身质...场分布图 Fig. 3 Temperature distribution of TC18 Ti alloy disc deformed at different temperatures and deformation rate of 0.1 mm/s and friction factor of 0.03 图4 变形速率为0.1 mm/s,摩擦因数为0.03时TC18钛......
are explored to replace diseased bones [1-3]. In particular, metallic implant materials, e.g. SUS316L stainless steel, Co-Cr-Mo type alloys, Ti and Ti alloys (e.g. Ti-6Al-4V) are widely used as orthopaedic and dental implant materials. Among these, Ti and some of Ti alloys are preferred load-bearing implant materials due to their relatively low modulus, excellent strength-to-weight ratio, good......