Preparation of Ti-based amorphous brazing alloy ZOU Jia-sheng(邹家生)1,2, JIANG Zhi-guo(蒋志国)1, XU Zhi-rong(许志荣)1, CHEN Guang(陈 光)2 1. Provincial Key Lab of Advanced Welding...) and the temperature interval of supercooled liquid region before crystallization are 0.76 and 78 K, respectively. Key words: Si3N4 ceramic; Ti based brazing alloy; glass forming ability; glass......
the brazing alloy to the surface of TiAl, indicating that Si also has a great affinity with Ti in TiAl. Taking the above phenomenon into account, a Si-modified Ti(Al,Si)3 coating was firstly deposited on γ... patterns of Al-20Si alloy coating before (a) and after (b) heat-treatment In order to form a Ti(Al,Si)3 diffusion coating on the substrate, a heat-treatment was performed at 750 °C for 12 h. From Fig. 1(b......
效果, 且铸件组织致密, 缺陷较少, 进而能够满足生产需求. 目前常采用立式离心铸造方法生产钛合金铸件. 国内外很多学者对钛合金铸造过程都做了大量深入的研究, 包括流动性的研究, 凝固缺陷的分析等. Watanabe等[12]对多种钛合金材料研究发现, Ti-Cu合金充不满是由于其流动性差及粘制力强的缘故, 提出流动方向不仅仅受控于离心力, 同时也受控于浇道内合金流动性的变化. 周彦邦[3]提出合..., 34(3): 609-612. WU Shi-ping, LI Chang-yun, GUO Jing-jie, et al. Numerical simulation of melt mold filling during centrifugal casting of Ti alloy casting[J]. Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 2005......
as potential candidates for high-temperature structural applications in the aerospace and military [3]. However, the main factors to limit the manufacture of mass market Ti alloy components... energy of these oxides in Ti alloy melts (0≤x(Al)≤0.5) are shown in Fig. 3 at different temperatures. Fig. 3 Calculated Gibbs free energy of four oxides in molten Ti and Ti alloys (0≤x(Al)≤0.5......
式: D=D0exp(-Q/RT)[14](式中D0为常数, Q为扩散激活能, T为绝对温度). 随温度升高原子在形核过程中的扩散能力增强, 因而可以减少最终薄膜中的空位等缺陷, 得到组织较致密的薄膜, 薄膜硬度提高. 同时随温度提高, 晶界强度增加, 从而镀层的硬度增加[15]. 3) 晶格畸变. Ti, Cr等过渡族元素与N形成间隙固溶体, 根据固溶体形成条件, 溶质与溶剂原子半径比r溶质...为80A时, 薄膜硬度达到最大值. 4) 随Cr含量的增大, 所得(Ti, Cr)N复合薄膜择优取向发生变化, 从(111)晶面变为(200)晶面. REFERENCES [1]韩修训, 阎鹏勋, 刘维民, 等. 两种物理气相沉积氮化钛涂层的结构及摩擦性能研究[J]. 摩擦学学报, 2002, 22(3): 175-179. HAN Xiu-xun, YAN Peng-xun, LIU......
]. Ti-12Mo-5Zr alloy also has better corrosion properties than Ti-6Al-4V and is comparable to the pure Ti in Hank’s solution [14]. YU et al [15] reported that the additions of Nb and Zr can increase...) on the surface of TNTZF alloy. According to YU et al [15], the additions of both Nb and Zr to Ti resulted in a ternary alloy with extremely high resistance to active and passive dissolution in oxidizing......
are dissolved in liquid Ni, which can remarkably reduce the solubility of Ti and C atom in liquid Ni, thereby the growth rate of TiC grain is reduced and the TiC grain size grows. Table 3 EDS results of V and Cr... in liquid binder phase and excessive VC precipitates at the hard phase /binder phase grain boundary, which would be a great impact on alloy densification process [15]. As analyzed before, the Cr3C2 mainly......
. The ideal temperature range for TA2 tube forming is from 860 °C to 920 °C in HMGF process. Key words: TA2 Ti alloy tube; uniaxial tensile test; tube bulging test; hot metal gas forming (HMGF); bursting... and Manufacture, 2001, 110(5): 1045-1056. [15] LIU Yi, WU Xin. A microstructure study on an AZ31 magnesium alloy tube after hot metal gas forming process [J]. Journal of Materials Engineering......
(C, N)基金属陶瓷的研究报道.镀Co,镀Ni表面处理工艺比较复杂,时间较长且烧损率较高[13],而等离子体处理具有处理时间短,无污染,节能,表面官能化,便于工业化生产等优点[14].目前已有将等离子体处理碳纳米管用于增强聚合物基复合材料的应用报道[15],但还没有将等离子体处理碳纳米管用于增强Ti(C, N)基金属陶瓷的报道.因此,本文作者研究经等离子体处理的碳纳米管对Ti(C, N)基金属陶...(BSE)模式下观察试样的显微组织,在二次电子模式下观察试样的断口形貌,并在SEM下用EDAX公司生产的GENESIS2000型能谱仪对试样进行微区成分分析. 表3 Ti(C, N)基金属陶瓷的成分 Table 3 Compositions of Ti(C, N)-based cermets 2 结果与讨论 2.1 CNTs的等离子体处理 图 1所示为等离子体处理......