Novel Phase Transition in BaPr2Mn2O7 Hiromi Nakano1,Naoki Kamegashira2 (1.Ryukoku University, Seta, Otsu 520-2194, Japan;2.Toyohashi University of Technology, Tenpaku-cho, Toyohashi 441-8580, Japan... homologous series AO(ABO3)2. In Pr-manganite, a novel phase transition was first observed in situ at 1040 K by a thermal transmission electron microscope. At 1040 K, reflections began to split along the c......
Effect of Stable Magnetic Field on the Phase Transformation of Sr3 Steel WANG Yan-an1,LIAO Dai-qiang1,WU Zhan-jun1 (1.Anshan University of Science and Technology, Anshan 114044, China) 摘要... on the phase transformation of Sr3 steel was studied by metallographic microscope and scanning electron microscope. The result shows: the application of magnetic field can obviously increase the volume......
Phase formation and electrical characteristic of NASICON ceramics ZHU Dong-mei(朱冬梅), LUO Fa(罗 发), XIE Zhang-long(谢章龙), ZHOU Wan-cheng(周万城) State Key Laboratory of Solidification Processing... (NASICON: Na3Zr2Si2PO12) ceramics using the powder with the corresponding composition from sol-gel method. The density, phase and microstructure of different samples sintered at different temperatures......
Phase Transformations in Low-Fe Alloys of the Al-Cu-Fe System Liming Zhang1 (1.Department for Earth and Environmental Science, Crystallography section, Ludwig-Maximillian- Universitat Munchen, Theresienstrasse 41, D-80333 Munchen, Germany) 摘要:Microstructure and phase transformation in the Al-Cu-Fe alloys of the approximate compositional range of 20 -50 at.% Cu and 2 - 10 Fe at.% have been......
; Phase composition, transition and structure stability of functionally graded cemented carbide with dual phase structure ZHANG Li(张 立)1, CHEN Shu(陈 述)2, XIONG Xiang-jun(熊湘君)1, HE Yue-hui(贺跃辉)1, HUANG Bai-yun(黄伯云)1, ZHANG Chuan-fu(张传福)3 (1. State Key Laboratory of Powder......
Phase Chemistry of the Complexes of RE Amino Acids 高胜利1,李焕勇1,陈三平1,史启祯1 (1.Department of Chemistry, Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Physico-Inorganic Chemistry, Northwest University, Xi′an 710069, China) Abstract:Forty-three phase diagrams of ternary system concerning rare earth salts, α-amino acids and water, which were constructed by phase equilibrium methods, were expounded. The influences......