天然铁电气石Fenton反应降解甲基橙的效能与功能增强胥焕岩,亓淑艳,李艳,赵元,李继伟哈尔滨理工大学材料科学与工程学院摘 要:<正>法国科学家Fenton从研究中发现Fe2+/H2O2体系在酸性条件下具有强氧化性,此后,以他的名字命名的Fenton试剂就被逐渐应用于各个领域.1964年,Eisenhouser首次将Fenton试剂用于处理苯酚及烷基苯废水,开创了Fenton试剂处理有关键词:......
INTERFACE REACTION IN MAGNETIC MULTILAYERS M.H.Li1,F.W.Zhu1,X.F.Cui2,G.H.Yu1,J.L.Jin3 (1.Department of Materials Physics, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China;2.State.... Theresults show that there are two thermodynamically favorable reactions at NiO/NiFeinterface: NiO+Fe = Ni+FeO and 3NiO+2Fe 3Ni+Fe2 O3. The thickness of thechemical reaction as estimated by angle-resolved......
Synthesis and electrochemical performance of 5V spinel LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 prepared by solid-state reaction SUN Qiang(孙 强), LI Xin-hai(李新海),WANG Zhi-xing(王志兴), JI Yong(季 勇) School...; Abstract: Spinel compound LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 with high capacity and high rate capability was synthesized by solid-state reaction......
Reaction behavior and mechanism of anatase in digestion process of diasporic bauxite LI Xiao-bin(李小斌), FU Wei-an(付伟岸), ZHOU Qiu-sheng(周秋生), LIU Gui-hua(刘桂华), PENG Zhi-hong(彭志宏) School... of CaO added and composition of aluminate solution on reaction behavior of pure anatase in high-pressure digestion process of bauxite, reaction mechanism of anatase was preliminarily determined......
Hydriding and microstructure nanocrystallization of ZK60 Mg alloy by reaction milling in hydrogen YUAN Yuan(袁 媛), WANG Heng(王 珩), HU Lian-xi(胡连喜), SUN Hong-fei(孙宏飞), FANG Wen-bin(房文斌... fraction) alloy was achieved by room-temperature reaction milling in hydrogen, with the mechanical energy serving as the driving force for the process. The hydriding progress during milling was examined......
REACTION PROBABILITIES OF ENERGETIC SPECIES AT GROWING DIAMOND FILM SURFACES BY MOLECULAR DYNAMICS SIMULATION Q.Y.Zhang1,E.Bauer-Grosse2 (1.State Key Laboratory for Materials Modification by Laser.... In the present study, we have studied the reaction probabilities ofenergetic species with energies of 0.1 e V to 10e V at the substrate temperature of 1100K.In the cases of the diamond growth on the surface with H......
Elastodynamic modeling and joint reaction prediction for 3-PRS PKMZHANG Jun(张俊)1, 2, ZHAO Yan-qin(赵艳芹)1(1.School of Mechanical Engineering, Anhui University of Technology, Ma’anshan 243032, China;2... machines (PKMs), a methodology of elastodynamic modeling and joint reaction prediction is proposed. For this purpose, a Sprint Z3 model is used as a case study to illustrate the process of joint reaction......
用Fenton试剂处理福建某铜锌选矿废水周吉奎1,2,喻连香1,2,胡洁1,21. 广州有色金属研究院摘 要:福建某铜锌选矿厂经过混凝沉降初级处理后的生产废水清澈透明,p H为中性,固体悬浮物和重金属离子含量达到国家排放标准,但由于含大量丁黄药等有机质而使COD值高达377.2 mg/L,既不能直接排放也不能直接回用.为将该废水的COD值降到100 mg/L以下以满足排放或回用的要求,采用Fenton试剂对其进行了去除COD的试验研究.试验结果表明:在初始p H为3,H2O2溶液(浓度30%)用量为2 m L/L,Fe SO4·7H2O用量为0.5 g/L的条件下搅拌反应60 min,废水的COD值可降低至25.2 mg/L,相应的COD去除率高达93.32%,从而显示出Fenton试剂降解有色金属矿......
Degradation of Silicone Rubbers in Fenton’s Reagents吴凡1,李克2,3,ZHANG Qinglian1,ZHANG Haining1,4,CHEN Yanan1,PAN Mu1,4,YAN Xinping2,31. State Key Laboratory of Advanced Technology for Materials..., in Fenton’s reagents with different H2O2 concentrations was investigated. The changes in chemical properties, mechanical behavior and surface morphology of the samples were studied before and after......
SBR/沸石处理Fenton法预处理7-ACA废水研究张凯,朱静平四川省环境工程自控技术重点试验室摘 要:采用SBR(序批式活性污泥法)以及在SBR反应器中投加天然沸石的方式对Fenton法预处理后的7-氨基头孢烯酸(7-ACA)废水进行处理,考察了驯化污泥,未驯化污泥及投加天然沸石后驯化污泥对废水中CODCr值降低和NH3-N的去除效果.结果表明,采用逐渐增加进水中7-ACA原水在混合废水中的比例可实现对污泥的驯化,经39d驯化后SBR对CODCr值降低率保持在71.8%-76.5%;驯化污泥对Fenton法预处理废水中CODCr值平均降低率为79.9%,NH3-N平均去除率为74.9%,明显好于未驯化污泥;SBR反应器中投加天然沸石后,其对废水中NH3-N的平均去除率为81.9%,可有效提升驯化污......