Morphology and Microstructure of Sputtered Superalloy CoatingBangjie XIA+;Hanyi LOU;Lixin ZHANG, Corrosion Science Laboratory, Institute of Corrosion and Protection of Metals, Academia Sinica, Shenyang, 110015, China摘 要:<正> The morphology and microstructure of magnetron sputtered coating of superalloy K38G on cast al-loy K38G have been......
Creep-fatigue interaction properties of nickel-based superalloy 617Kazuo KOBAYASHI,Masao HAYAKAWA,Megumi KIMURANational Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), Materials Reliability Center摘 要:High-temperature fatigue properties were investigated for a nickel-based superalloy 617 as a typical candidate material for high-temperature components using......
DirectionaHy Solidified High-strength Superalloy DZ22陈荣章,王罗宝,王玉屏摘 要:<正> Alloy DZ22 possesses rather high intermediateand elevated temperature mechanical propertiescomparable with the advanced commercial DS al-loy PWA1422.The alloy composition is based onPWA1422 alloy,only the content ranges of Hf,Cand Zr are changed for systematic study.The pres......
In-situ loading neutron-diffraction studies of a cobalt-based superalloy M. L. BENSON1, P. K LIAW1, H. CHOO1,2, T. A. SALEH1,3, D. W. BROWN3, M. R. DAYMOND4, X. L. WANG5, A. D. STOICA5, E. C... OX11 0QX, UK; 7. Haynes International Inc, Kokomo, IN 46904, USA Received 20 April 2006; accepted 30 June 2006 Abstract: ULTIMET? alloy is a cobalt-based superalloy that undergoes a deformation......
Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 22(2012) 2098-2105 Kinetics and microstructural evolution during recrystallization of a Ni3Al-based single crystal superalloy WU Yu-xiao1, ZHANG Heng1, LI Fu-lin1...: The recrystallization kinetics and microstructural evolution of a Ni3Al-based single crystal superalloy were presented, especially the different recrystallization behaviors between the dendrite arm......
Effect of carbon on microstructure and mechanical properties of DD99 single crystal superalloy YU Jin-jiang(于金江), SUN Xiao-feng(孙晓峰), ZHAO Nai-ren(赵乃仁), Jin Tao(金 涛), Guan heng-rong(管恒荣), HU... and mechanical properties of DD99 single crystal superalloy were investigated. The results show that stress rupture life of DD99 alloy possesses peak value at carbon content of 0.03%(mass fraction......
of GH4586 superalloy LUO Jiao(罗皎), LI Xiang-yang(李向阳), LI Cong(李聪), LI Miao-quan(李淼泉) State Key Laboratory of Solidification Processing, Northwestern Polytechnical University,Xi’an 710072, China Central South University Press and Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2021 Abstract: The apparent activation energy for deformation (Q) and strain rate sensitivity (m) of GH4586 superalloy......
铸造工艺参数和细化剂对K4169高温合金铸态组织的影响Ⅰ.晶粒组织及晶粒细化机理 刘林1,严卫东1,熊玉华2,李培杰2,曾大本2,杨爱民1 (1.西北工业大学应用物理系,西安,710072;2.清华大学机械工程系,北京,100084) 摘要:研究了K4169高温合金在各种工艺条件下及向熔体中加入复合细化剂时的晶粒组织.结果表明.降低浇注温度和加入复合细化剂可以明显细化冷凝后基体的晶粒和提高铸件断面等轴晶的比例在通常的浇注温度1400℃下加入复合细化剂.对合金熔体进行或不进行过热处理时.可使圆柱锭的晶粒分别细化至ASTM 1.7级和ASTM 3.2级:断面等轴晶的比例分别达96%和99%以上.当浇注温度为1420 ℃,加入复合细化剂并对合金熔体进行过热处理时,可使圆柱锭晶粒细化至ASTM M10.5级.断面等轴晶的比例达90%以上.提出了晶粒细化的机理并对晶粒细化后断面等轴晶比例增大......
Thermal fatigue behavior of K125L superalloyLi-Kui Ning1,Zhi Zheng1,Song Tang1,Jian Tong1,Hui-Si Ji11. Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences摘 要:The thermal fatigue behavior of K125 L superalloy at the peak temperature of 1,050 °C was investigated by optical microscope(OM), X-ray diffraction(XRD), and scanning electron microscope(SEM......
Effect of Yttrium on High Temperature Oxidation Resistance of a Directionally Solidified Superalloy 宋立国1,韩雅芳1,李树索1,郑运荣1 (1.School of Material Science and Engineering, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing 100083, China) Abstract:The effect of rare earth element yttrium on the high temperature oxidation resistance of a directionally solidified Ni-base superalloy......