得广泛的关注,但目前其产品达不到太阳能级硅的质量要求.展望未来,西门子法仍将是生产高纯度多晶硅的主流技术. 关键词:太阳能级多晶硅;西门子法;硅烷;硅 中图分类号:O 613.72 文献标识码:A Development status and prospect of solar grade silicon production... silicon and development studies of its new representative processes and technologies were comprehensively introduced. The production technologies of solar grade silicon mostly include Simens process......
SILICON MICRO-TRENCH ETCHING USING HIGH-DENSITY PLASMA ETCHER H.C.Yu1,M.B. Chen1,J.M. Miao2,Z.G.Liu1,T.T. Sun1 (1.Physics Department of ShanghaiJiaotong University, Shanghai 200240, China;2.Micromachine Center, School of Mechanical and Production Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, 639798, Singapore) Abstract:Dry etching of silicon is an essential process step for the fabrication......
silumins using amorphous silicon dioxide [J]. Tsvetnye Metally, 2019, 12: 29-36. [40] GORLANOV E S, BAZHIN V Y, FEDOROV S N. Carbide formation at a carbon-graphite lining cathode surface wettable...Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 30(2020) 1406-1418 Possibilities and prospects for producing silumins with different silicon contents using amorphous microsilica M. P. KUZ′MIN1, M. Yu. KUZ′MINA1, P......
Fabrication of High-purity Ternary Carbide Ti3AlC2 by Spark Plasma Sintering(SPS)TechniqueSONG Jinghong~1 YANG Haitao~2 (1.The Centre for Materials Research and Analysis,Wuhan University of Technology,Wuhan 430074,China; 2.Shenzhen University,Shenzhen Key Lab of Special Functional Materials,Shenzhen 518060,China)摘 要:<正>The effect of silicon......
Investigation of the Corrosion Behaviors of HVOF-Sprayed Carbide Cernet Coatings in Molten Al-Zn-Si Alloy Bath TAN Xing-hai1,SUN Jia-shu1,ZHANG Yue-gang1,JIANG Zhen-Hua1 (1.Tianjin Institute... on the quality and productivity. In order to protect the sink roll the carbide cermet and/or ceramic coatings were deposited on the surface of the sink roll. The WC-, Cr3 C2-cermet coatings were......
Simulation and prediction in laser bending of silicon sheet WANG Xu-yue, XU Wei-xing, XU Wen-ji, HU Ya-feng, LIANG Yan-de, WANG Lian-ji Key Laboratory for Precision and Non-traditional Machining... silicon sheet (0.2 mm in thickness) was investigated with JK701 Nd:YAG laser. The models were developed to describe the beam characteristics of pulsed laser. In order to simulate the process of laser......
Preparation and Characterization of Mullite-Silicon Carbide Heat Absorbing Ceramics for Solar Thermal Tower Plant徐晓虹,RAO Zhenggang,WU Jianfeng,ZHOU Yang,HE Dezhi,LIU YiSchool of Material Science and Engineering, Wuhan University of Technology摘 要:The in-situ synthesized mullite bonded SiC ceramics for solar thermal tower plant were prepared from Silicon......