. The application of zinc calcine as a neutralizing agent for the goethite process in zinc hydrometallurgy[J]. Hydrometallurgy, 2014, 147(5): 120-126. [7] 李海军, 杨洪英, 陈国宝, 周立杰, 刘媛媛. 中心复合设计针铁矿法从含钴生物浸出液中除铁[J]. 中国有色... to the laws of conservation of mass and simultaneous equilibria. Themodynamic analysis was carried out to discuss the process of removing iron from lixivium of zinc calcine by phosphate precipitation......
Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 25(2015) 622-627 Leaching and recovery of zinc from leaching residue of zinc calcine based on membrane filter press Zhen-guang RU, Cen-xuan PAN, Gui-hua LIU, Xue... and recovery of zinc from leaching residue of zinc calcine based on MFP was investigated, combining spent electrolyte washing with fresh water washing. For this work, the uniformity of filter cakes......
mixed thoroughly, and then roasted in a muffle furnace. After being roasted for a prescribed time, the molybdenum calcine was cooled in inert atmosphere. The phases and microstructures in roasted... into 0.074 mm with mass fraction above 80%, and then samples were obtained for examining the contents of molybdenum and sulfur. Another 5 g calcine was added into flasks containing dilute sulfuric acid......
0.013 kPa at 400 °C) [26]. Thus, sufficient oxidation of MoS2 and ReS2 is very necessary. In the separation process, MoO3 can remain steady in calcine while Re2O7 evaporates into the flue gas... as much MoO3 and Re2O7 as possible because MoO3 in calcine can dissolve easily in the ammonia and be recycled by ammonia leaching. Meanwhile, Re2O7 is easy to volatilize, which results in separation......
place and the reaction process requires constant addition of calcine and oxygen. The solution flows through each reactor in turn and then is firstly delivered to 1# reactor which is subjected... involves the changes of the concentration of ferrous iron, ferric ions and hydrogen ions, as well as the addition of oxygen and calcine. The concentrations of ferrous ions, ferric ions and hydrogen ions......
=Co+2H2↑+CO↑ (5) 2.4.2 Ammonia leaching process Ni and Co in the calcine exist in the form...; (7) 4[Co(NH3)n]CO3+O2+2(NH4)2CO3= 2[Co(NH3)n]2(CO3)3+4NH3+2H2O (8) The form of iron in the calcine is mainly Fe3O4......
species. Thus, the resulting calcine contains molybdenum trioxide as well as other oxides and impurities such as copper and iron oxides. For this reason, molybdenum trioxide must be treated... et al [3] consisted of processing a calcine mainly consisting of MoO3 (60.9% Mo, 1.3% Cu, 2.9% Fe, 0.16% S, and 1.2% SiO2) by dissolution in ammonium hydroxide. The leaching solution was later treated......
technical conditions by neutral leaching the calcine. The compositions of calcine and neutral leached residues are listed in Table 1 and Table 2, respectively, and the phase composition of zinc and iron in the neutral leached residues is listed in Table 3. Table 1 Chemical composition of calcine (mass fraction, %) Table 2 Chemical composition of neutral leached residue (mass fraction......
. These dumps consist of casting scum, zinciferous dust, calcine leaching sediment, zinciferous wastes generated in hot-dip melting bath and zinc oxide slag produced in lead fume furnace, zinc rotary...%[8-9]. The main components of calcine leaching sediment are zinc oxide and zinc ferrite with the content of 16%-25%, which are usually treated with rotary kiln fuming[10-11]. The zinciferous sludge......
[24, 25]的报道, 本研究选择的酸性硫脲和氰化物浸金的工艺条件如下: 表1 金焙砂的化学成分 Table 1 Chemical composition of gold calcine(mass fraction, %) 图1 金焙砂的X射线衍射谱 Fig.1 XRD patterns of gold calcine... and coexisting elements in different systems(%) 图3 金焙砂中金及伴生金属在不同浸金体系中的浸出率 Fig.3 Leaching rates of gold and coexisting elements of gold calcine leached in different systems 体系受其它伴生金......