J. Cent. South Univ. (2012) 19: 231-237 DOI: 10.1007/s11771-012-0996-3 Properties and mechanism of red mud in preparation of ultra-lightweight sludge-red mud ceramics LU Da-wei(陆达伟), QI Yuan-feng(齐元峰... sewage sludge (DSS). The properties and mechanism of RM in the preparation of ULS-RMC were discussed. The chemical components, thermal properties and mineral phases of RM were determined by energy......
; 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1672-7207(2015)12-4578-06 Generalized least squares - compound trapezoid quadrature method applied in connection coefficient..., School of Geosciences and Info-Physics, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China) Abstract: Considering that Daubechies wavelet finite element connection coefficient is calculated by adding complex......
Tribological property and wear mechanism of undercooled Ni-Pb monotectic alloys XIE Hui(谢 辉)1, YANG Gen-cang(杨根仓)1, HAO Wei-xin(郝维新)1, LA Pei-qing(喇培清)2, LIU Wei-min(刘维民)2, XU Li-jun(许丽君)1... for the lower and larger undercooling, and plastic deformation and fracture for the medium undercooling. Key words: Ni-Pb monotectic alloy; high undercooling; wear rate; wear mechanism CLC number: TG115.5......
; Uplift behavior and load transfer mechanism... of pile foundations. A field-scale test program was conducted to study the uplift behavior and load transfer mechanism of PHC piles in soft soil. The pullout load tests were divided into two groups......