合材料的热疲劳裂纹扩展抗力 关键词: 热疲劳;裂纹扩展;复合材料;基体合金; 中图分类号: TB33 收稿日期:1999-06-14 Short thermal fatigue crack growth of Al2O3sf/ZL109 composites Abstract: Thermal fatigue crack propagation behavior of alumina short fibre (V f=18%) reinforced aluminum silicon alloy composite and aluminum silicon matrix alloy have been investigated under thermal cycling......
(such as high temperature and cyclic temperature) and corrosive environment. Various fatigue fracture mechanisms, such as mechanical fatigue, thermal fatigue and corrosion fatigue, are the main reasons... of cemented carbides[J]. Journal of Thermal Stresses, 2008, 31: 1025-1038. [39] BOO M H, OH H W, PARK Y C, HIROSE Y. The effect of Co content on fatigue crack growth characteristics of WC-Co cemented carbide......
INVESTIGATION OF THE LOW-CYCLE FATIGUE AND FATIGUE CRACK GROWTH BEHAVIORS OF P91 BASE METAL AND WELD JOINTS M.M.Yu1,H.C.Yang1,Y.Tu1,J.Zhao2 (1.Dongfang Boiler (Group;2.Department of Materials Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116023, China) Abstract:Low cycle fatigue tests and crack growth propagations tests on P91 pipe base metal and its weld joints were conducted at three......
J. Cent. South Univ. Technol. (2009) 16: 0881-0886 DOI: 10.1007/s11771-009-0146-08 Thermal-mechanical properties of short carbon fiber reinforced geopolymer matrix composites subjected to thermal load LIN Tie-song(林铁松), JIA De-chang(贾德昌), HE Pei-gang(何培刚), WANG Mei-rong(王美荣) (Institute for Advanced Ceramics, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, China)  ......
FATIGUE CRACK PROPAGATION OF Ni-BASE SUPERALLOYS L.Z.Ma1,E.Barbero1,X.B.Liu1,K.M.Chang1 (1.Dept. of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, West Virginia University, Morgantown,WV 26506-6106, USA) Abstract:Time-dependent Fatigue Crack Propagation (FCP) behaviors of five Ni-base superalloys were investigated at various temperatures under fatigue with various holding times and sustained loading......
High cycle fatigue and fracture behavior of 2124-T851 aluminum alloy LI Xue(李雪)1, YIN Zhi-min(尹志民)1, NIE Bo(聂波)1, 2, ZHONG Li(钟利)1, 2, PAN Qing-lin(潘清林)1, JIANG Feng(姜锋)1 1. School of Materials...> Abstract: The high cycle fatigue properties and fracture behavior of 2124-T851 aluminum alloy were investigated roundly, including the fatigue crack growth rate, fracture......
Sn-37Pb. The maximum stress is located at the upper right corner of the outmost solder joint from the symmetric center, and thermal fatigue life is predicted to be 3.796×104 cycles under the calculated... was used to evaluate thermal fatigue life for a typical BGA chip, i.e. CBGA chip. 4.1 Physical model Considering the symmetry of CBGA chip structure, one half of the section was taken as computational......
thermal history, it is found that the scan strategies of laser beam have a significant impact on grain size and morphology. Fatigue cracks generally initiated from persistent slip bands(PSBs) or grain...Microstructure and fatigue behavior of laser-powder bed fusion austenitic stainless steelChenfan Yu1,Peng Zhang2,Zhefeng Zhang2,Wei Liu11. School of Materials Science and Engineering, Tsinghua......