宝钢2050热轧厂平整机辊型优化技术的研究 刘峰1,连家创2,王建强1,白振华2 (1.上海宝钢集团公司;2.燕山大学) 摘要:把前张力横向分布均匀作为优化目标,建立了一套弯辊和辊型综合优化的设计方法,使工作辊与支撑辊间的接触宽度适应板宽的变化而变化,辊间接触压力更为均匀,提高了弯辊的控制效果,改善了板形质量,并降低了辊耗. 关键词:辊型优化; 弯辊; 板形; 辊耗; [全文内容正在添加中] ......
平整机轧制压力模型的改进 连家创1,白振华1,戚向东1 (1.燕山大学,秦皇岛市,066004) 摘要:考虑到应力和变形沿带材厚度分布的不均匀性,因此不采用卡尔曼的平面假设,而按照接触表面边界条件列出相应的平衡微分方程,建立起一套新的针对平整轧制的实用轧制压力改进模型,经现场使用效果良好. 关键词:平整机; 轧制压力; 平衡微分方程; 数学模型; [全文内容正在添加中] ......
冷轧平整机延伸率控制系统的应用及研究 张殿华1,李旭1,孟德霞2,孙杰1,李文田2,付韶武2 (1.东北大学轧制技术及连轧自动化国家重点实验室,辽宁,沈阳,110004;2.唐山钢铁股份有限公司冷轧薄板厂,河北,唐山,063016) 摘要:简单介绍了冷轧平整的目的和意义,说明了延伸率的定义和测量方法.描述了应用于唐钢冷轧薄板厂平整机组的延伸率控制系统,对该延伸率控制系统中的速度前馈控制和延伸率反馈控制做了重点阐述.针对在加减速或出现其它扰动时的延伸率波动问题,提出了在反馈控制中增加比例控制的解决方案.实际结果表明,延伸率控制系统动态响应明显加快,98.7%的带钢延伸率偏差都控制在了0.1......
提高冷轧退火板产品合格率的研究 贾冬梅1 (1.湖南华菱涟源钢铁集团有限公司冷轧板厂,湖南,娄底,417009) 摘要:涟钢冷轧产品初检合格率与同类产品相比偏低,主要是屈强比偏高,伸长率低,冲压性能差等.针对这一问题,对热轧,冷轧以及退火平整等工艺参数对冷轧冲压板产品合格率的影响进行了分析,结果表明通过优化热轧卷取温度,冷轧压下率,退火制度以及平整伸长率,可以将退火板卷的初检合格率提高到99.48%,满足冷轧冲压板批量生产的要求. 关键词:CSP冷轧基板; 冷轧压下率; 卷取张力; 退火; 平整; [全文内容正在添加中] ......
2030冷轧平整机轧制力模型研究 陈萍1,李东亭2,路凤智2 (1.宝山钢铁股份有限公司,设备部,上海,200941;2.宝山钢铁股份有限公司,冷轧厂,上海,200941) 摘要:在研究冷轧平整控制模型的过程中发现,带钢延伸率变化与其轧制力密切相关.L2级计算机的轧制力预设值对保持延伸率稳定是一个主要因素.通过研究找出了用轧制力控制延伸率的规律. 关键词:平整机; 延伸率; 轧制力; 模型; [全文内容正在添加中] ......
by reinforcement particles of silicon carbide(SiC).The results show that after each FSP pass,a modify distribution of SiC particles is acquired and the increase in the number of passes reduces the average grain size in stir zone(SZ).Furthermore,it is discovered that pin geometry and pass number play a dominant role in the grain size of SZ and distribution of SiC particles in SZ.It is found that after......
. It is indicated that the calculated compression forces are basically in agreement with the measured ones if the pass reduction is less than 13.35%. However, when the reduction gets up to 25.34% and 33.12... that the calculated results for groups No.1 and 2 are basically in agreement with the measured ones, and that when the pass reduction is less than 25.34% the relative error between them is less than 6%. However......
structure. During a single pass of the friction stir welding(FSW) process, the nano-lamellar structure of the parent material(PM) was retained but was observed to fragment into equiaxed grains during the second pass. FSW has been modeled as a severe deformation process in which the material is subjected to an instantaneous high shear strain rate followed by extreme shear strains. The loss of the nano......
with different thickness reductions per pass and prevertical compression followed by super-high reduction hot rolling(PVCR), respectively. Microstructure evolution, rolling formability variation and mechanical responses were investigated. As reduction per pass increased, the number of shear bands deflecting toward rolling direction increased, resulting in easy crack initiation in and around the bands......
percentage reduction per pass(PRPP) and large percentage reduction per pass,respectively. Meanwhile, the effect of PRPP on the precipitates and corrosion resistance of 7055 aluminum alloy plate......