金属多孔材料压缩行为的评述 王建永1,汤慧萍1,乔吉超2,朱纪磊1,奚正平1 (1.西北有色金属研究院金属多孔材料国家重点实验室,陕西,西安,710016;2.西北工业大学,陕西,西安,710072) 摘要:主要对金属多孔材料的压缩性能进行分析,并着重介绍了最近几年该领域国内外的最新研究进展.讨论压缩性能对金属多孔材料性质的影响,强调金属多孔材料压缩过程中的能量吸收性质,最后给出了金属多孔材料压缩性能中存在的不足. 关键词:金属多孔材料; 压缩性能; 能量吸收; 功能材料; 结构材料; porous metals; compressive property; energy absorption; functional material; structural material; [全文内容正在添加中] ......
angles of glycerol, benzene and diiodomethane on the main minerals in red mud from alumina production were measured, and the corresponding surface free energy values were estimated by Owens two liquids... mud; surface free energy; Owens two liquids method; sedimentation ability; goethite 赤泥是氧化铝生产中的残渣,物相复杂,主要有赤铁矿,针铁矿,水合铝硅酸钠(方钠石),硅酸二钙,水化石榴石,钛酸钙,石灰石以及少量未溶出的氧化铝水合物等[1-4].氧化铝工业一般采用絮凝沉降的方法将赤泥与溶液进行分离.但随着铝土矿资源的日......
Grid tie inverter energy stabilizing in smart distribution grid with energy storageSUN Qiu-ye(孙秋野), LI Da-shuang(李大双), CHU En-hui(褚恩辉), ZHANG Yi-bin(张艺缤) (School of Information Science... transient faults and improve the system stability. The feasibility of segmenting large power grids and multiple smart distribution grids interconnections using energy storage technology for improving......
) Abstract:The effective energy loss functions for Al have been derived from differential inverse inelastic mean free path based on the extended Landau approach. It has been revealed that the effective...ENERGY-LOSS FUNCTIONS DERIVED FROM REELS SPECTRA FOR ALUMINUM K. Salma1,X. Sun1,K.Goto2,R. Shimizu3,T. Koshikawa4,H.M.Li1,Z.J.Ding1,Z.M.Zhang1 (1.Structure Research Laboratory and Department......
. Prolonging isothermal holding at 415 ℃ results in coarser and more spaced η phase particles at grain boundaries with wider precipitates free zone, and lower density of larger η′ hardening precipitates... precipitation of η phase first, and then S phase. Precipitates free zones are created around these coarse η and S phase particles after aging. Prolonging isothermal holding at these two temperatures......
Formation free energy of sodium stannate measured using β-β″-Al2O3 ceramic electrolyteZhi-Meng Wang1,Hong-Wei Xie1,Yi Zhang2,Yu-Chun Zhai11. School of Metallurgy and Materials, Northeastern...|Na-CrO2, Cr2O3|Pt was assembled by the β-β″-Al2O3 elec-trolyte tube to measure the open potential of the resulting battery, and the formation free energy of sodium stannate was calculated......
分子动力学模拟Pb_(20)Au_(80)和Pb_(50)Au_(50)合金热力学性质的研究 刘大春1,贾国斌1,刘媛媛1,杨斌1 (1.昆明理工大学真空冶金国家工程实验室,昆明,650093) 摘要:采用分子动力学方法模拟了Pb_(20)Au_(80)和Pb_(50)Au_(50)合金体系的热力学性质,计算了不同温度下合金体系的生成焓,生成自由能,过剩自由能和结合能,从宏观和微观热力学角度分析了二元合金原子间的相互作用,得到的计算结果与实验数据很吻合. 关键词:分子动力学; 生成焓; 过剩自由能; 结合能; molecular dynamics(MD); enthalpy of formation; excess free energy; cohesive energy; [全文内容正在添加中] ......