prism pattern film was machined by using the high precision lathe. The machined patterns on the roll master were 50, 45, 40, 35, 30, 25, 20, 15, 10 and 5 μm in the pitch with 25.0, 22.5, 20.0, 17.5... by SEM and microscope. Key words: high precision lathe; diamond tool; electroplated roll master by copper; optical film; complex prism patterns; light interference-phenomenon  ......
prediction precision of filling pipeline ZHANG Qinli, ZHOU Bihui, WANG Xinming, ZHOU Denghui, WANG Shi (School of Resource and Safety Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China) Abstract... the advantage of rapid analysis and high precision of prediction. A better evaluation is provided for the mine backfilling pipeline invalidation risk analysis. Key words: backfilling pipeline; risk......
,100044) 摘要:为了研究车路协同系统的仿真关键技术并构建车路协同系统仿真平台,针对车路协同系统仿真平台中的联邦成员间实时性问题,提出基于PTP(precision timing protocol)协议的高精度仿真主动时钟同步方法.讨论车路协同仿真联邦中各个联邦成员的时间管理策略,并基于时钟同步方法测试2种信息交互策略下的系统延时,提出车路协同系统的信息交互改进策略.仿真测试结果表明:平均同步时钟... framework for IVICS was designed. In view of system demand of real-time capabilities in simulation, a precision timing protocol (PPT) protocol-based highly accurate simulation clock synchronization......
测张式板形仪分段辊区域宽度对板形检测精度的影响 测张式板形仪分段辊区域宽度对板形检测精度的影响王向丽1,李谋渭1,张少军1(1.北京市北京科技大学机械工程学院)摘 要:通过对分段辊测张式板形仪板形检测原理的分析发现,分段辊区域宽度对板形检测精度影响较大.将板形曲线分为简单曲线和复杂曲线两种情况,以典型的实际板形曲线为例,分析不同曲线下分段辊区域宽度对不同宽度轧材的板形检测精度的影响,分析时考虑了轧材板形曲线的关键特性,如曲线的单调性,曲线极值所在区域的凹凸性以及曲线陡峭或平缓程度等特性,最后根据分析结果得到不同......
of isothermal precision forging technology GUO Hong-zhen1, YAO Ze-kun1, GUO Ying-guang2, LIU Guang-yi2, LI Yuan-chun3 (1. School of Materials Science and Engineering, Northwestern Polytechnical University... precision die forging; whole bulkhead; dual property disk 随着航空航天工业的迅速发展和飞行器性能的大幅度提高,钛合金和高温合金等难变形材料的用量越来越多.这些耐高温,难变形,难切削以及价格昂贵新型材料的大量采用,使21世纪航空航天构件广泛采用少无余量精密成形技术成为必然.为了提高结构效益,航空航天构件往往是以薄腹板(1.5~3.0 mm),窄......
: settlement prediction; optimized discrete grey Verhulst model; metabolism method; prediction precision 基坑沉降预测是工程监测中非常重要的内容.在施工过程中,通过监测可以及时发现问题,从而采取补救措施,减少事故的发生.但有些基坑沉降监测周期太长,因此,进行沉降预测很有必要.现在使用较多的方法有灰色关联支持向...) (13) 4) 小误差概率P: (14) 式中:为残差均值.模型精度等级见表1. 表1 模型精度等级 Table 1 Grads model precision 2 应用实例 广东省深圳市深房御府东区基坑支护工程位于深圳市光明新区,北靠牛山,东临光侨路,西南侧为观光路......