Magnetoelastic performance of<110>aligned polycrystalline Tb0.3Dy0.7Fe2Busbridge Simon摘 要:<正>The magnetoelastic performance of<110>aligned polycrystaUine Tb0.3Dy0.7Fe2 was investigated.It has been found that the strain-stress curve is nearly linear without magnetic field,reflecting the purely mechanical elastic properties of the Tb0.3Dy0.7Fe2......
Nanostructured Yb:GGG polycrystalline powders via gel combustion method黄德馨1,2,张学建1,2,刘景和1,张丹11. Department of Materials Science and Engineering,Changchun University of Science and Technology2. Department of Materials Science and Engineering,Jilin Architectural and Civil Engineering Institute摘 要:Gadolinium gallium garnet(GGG) nanopowders doped......
Modeling uniaxial tensile deformation of polycrystalline Al using CPFEMA.Kiet Tieu摘 要:<正>The crystal plasticity finite element modeling(CPFEM)is realized in commercial finite element code ABAQUS with UMAT subroutine on the basis of the crystal plasticity theory of rate dependent polycrystal constitutive relations in the mesoscopic scale.The......
Synthesis of Polycrystalline Yb:Gd3Ga5O12 Nanopowders by Homogeneous Precipitation Method黄德馨1,2,刘景和11. Department of Materials Science and Engineering,Changchun University of Science and Technology2. Department of Materials Science and Engineering,Jilin Architectural and Civil Engineering Institute摘 要:The Ytterbium doped gadolinium gallium garnet [Yb3......
Deposition Methods and Properties of Polycrystalline CdS Thin Films梁倩,曾广根,LI Bing,WANG Wenwu,JIANG Haibo,ZHANG Jingquan,LI Wei,WU Lili,FENG LianghuanCollege of Materials Science and Engineer, Sichuan University摘 要:CdS thin film was used as a suitable window layer for CdS/Cd Te solar cell, and the properties of CdS thin films deposited by pulsed laser......
Giant Low-Field Magnetoresistance in Polycrystalline La2/3Ca1/3Mn1-xCuxO3 Sintered at 1100 ℃ 夏正才1,刘洁1,袁松柳1,张国庆1,杨应平1 (1.Department of Physics,Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China;2.Department of Physics, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430070, China) Abstract:The La2/3Ca1/3Mn1-xCuxO3 (0≤x<6%) samples were prepared by sol-gel method. Transport properties......
两种沉淀剂对Pr:YAG纳米粉体的性能影响研究李婧,李健平,吴文娟,肖定全,朱建国四川大学材料科学与工程学院摘 要:分别采用碳酸氢铵和尿素为沉淀剂用沉淀法制备了Pr掺杂的YAG纳米粉体.并利用XRD,FT-IR,TEM等方法对样品进行了成分,粒度和形貌等性能分析,讨论了不同沉淀剂的反应机理.结果表明,碳酸氢铵沉淀法能够在较低温度下制备颗粒均匀,分散性良好的YAG纳米粉体;而尿素沉淀法所制备的粉体需要较高的煅烧温度,粉体粒径大,团聚较为严重.此外,Pr∶YAG纳米粉体的荧光强度随粉体粒径的增大而加强.关键词:碳酸氢铵;尿素;共沉淀法;Pr∶YAG纳米粉体;......
by traveling heater method (THM) were studied. Two types of polycrystalline CMT feed ingots synthesized in a traditional rocking furnace and vertical Bridgman (VB) furnace were adopted in THM growth, and the effects of the polycrystalline feed on the growth interface were revealed. The morphology of the growth interface of CMT crystal (CMT2) grown from the feed by vertical Bridgman was smoother......
, 210096, China) Abstract:The rare earth ion Ce4+ doped TiO2 was prepared by sol-gel method. The average particle sizes are about 10 nm for sol phase and 55 nm for polycrystalline phase...:rare earths; amorphous phase; polycrystalline phase; photocatalysis process; self-photo-sensitization photolysis; interband trap site; electron scavenger; [全文内容正在添加中] ......
共沉淀法制备纳米YAG粉体 王宏志1,高濂1 (1.中国科学院上海硅酸盐研究所) 摘要:用共沉淀方法,采用共滴的方式,仔细控制反应过程中的pH值,获得具有包裹结构的共沉淀物,在900℃煅烧后,可以获得纯YAG相粉体.研究了初始溶液浓度及pH值对粉体性能的影响,所制备的YAG粉体的比表面积随着初始溶液浓度的增加而减少,并随着滴定过程所控制的pH值的增加而迅速减少.通过优化工艺,可以获得颗粒大小为20~30nm,比表面达68m2/g的纯YAG粉体. 关键词:共滴; YAG; 纳米粉体; [全文内容正在添加中] ......