Ion Beam Surface Modification of Y-TZP and Effects of Subsequent Annealing M.Ishihara1,T. Sakuma2,K.Sawa1,S.Baba1,S.Harjo2,Y. Motohashi2,T. Shibata1 (1.Oarai Research Establishment, JAERI, Oarai.... The irradiation induced atomic displacement damage was analyzed by TRIM code. Changes in the mechanical properties and fracture behavior caused by the ion irradiation and the effects of subsequent annealing......
Preparation and electrochemical performance of Li2Mn0.5Fe0.5SiO4 cathode material with sol-gel method for lithium ion batteriesHU Chuan-yue(胡传跃), GUO Jun(郭军), WEN Jin(文瑾), PENG Yang-xi(彭秧锡... particles with a geometric mean diameter of 220 nm. The Li2Fe0.5Mn0.5SiO4 sample was used as an electrode material for rechargeable lithium ion batteries, and the electrochemical measurements were......
J. Cent. South Univ. (2012) 19: 1791-1795 DOI: 10.1007/s11771-012-1209-9 Synthesis and electrochemical performance of Li2Mg0.15Mn0.4Co0.45SiO4/C cathode material for lithium ion batteries HU Chuan... in Li2Mn0.4Co0.6SiO4 improves the stabilization of initial structure and the electrochemical performance. Key words: lithium ion battery; Li2Mg0.15Mn0.4Co0.45SiO4/C; cathode material; synthesis 1......
Effect of calcination temperature on characteristics of LiNi1/3Co1/3Mn1/3O2 cathode for lithium ion batteries GUO Hua-jun(郭华军) 1, LIANG Ru-fu(梁如福)1, LI Xin-hai(李新海)1, ZHANG Xin-ming(张新明)2..., 203.1 mA?h/g are observed when the charge voltages limit are fixed at 4.50 V and 4.70 V, respectively. Key words: lithium ion battery; LiNi1/3Co1/3Mn1/3O2; sol-gel; cathode  ......
The Effect of Intensity Pulsed Ion Beam Irradiation on Wear Resistance of High-speed Steel MA Teng-cai1,LIU Zhen-min1,WANG Ying-min1,HAO Sheng-zhi1,MEI Xian-xiu1 (1.State Key Laboratory for Materials Modification by Laser, Ion and Electron Beams, Department of Physics, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, China) 摘要:The structural and phase transformations occurring in the near......
CORROSION BEHAVIOR OF Cu-Nb AND Ni-Nb AMORPHOUS FILMS PREPARED BY ION BEAM ASSISTED DEPOSITION F.Zeng1,F.Pan1,B.Zhao1,D.M.Li1 (1.Laboratory of Advanced Materials, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084, China) Abstract:The Cu25Nb75 and Ni45Nb55 amorphous films with about 500nm thickness were prepared by ion beam assisted deposition (IBAD......
; Organic acids and inorganic anions in Bayer liquors by ion chromatography after solid-phase extraction ZHONG Fu-jin(钟付金)1, CHEN Xiao-qing(陈晓青)1, ZHANG Shu-chao... 450041, China) Abstract: A method for the simultaneous separation and determination of organic acids and inorganic anions in Bayer liquors was developed by gradient ion chromatography with suppressed......
Structure and Nonlinear Refractive Index of Bismuth Borate Glass范慧艳,胡丽丽摘 要:<正>The method of conventional glass melting is used to study the glass formation region of Bi2O3-B2O3-TiO2-La2O3 system.The instrument of Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC) is used to research the glass stability.Raman spectra and IR spectra are used to speculate......
Deposition of photocatalytic TiO2 and N-doped TiO2 films by arc ion plating LI Ming-sheng(李明升), ZHANG Shu-juan(张淑娟), LOU Jin(娄 瑾), LIU Ting-zhi(刘庭芝), ZHOU Ze-hua(周泽华), YANG Gan-lan(杨干兰... 2007 Abstract: TiO2 and N-doped TiO2 films were deposited on the glass substrates by arc ion plating method. The results show that the deposition rate does not change with the increasing deposition......
Effects of sodium substitution on properties of LiMn2O4 cathode for lithium ion batteries GUO Hua-jun(郭华军)1, LI Xiang-qun(李向群)2, HE Fang-yong(何方勇)1, LI Xin-hai(李新海)1, WANG Zhi-xing(王志兴... with increasing the sodium dopant amount. Key words: lithium ion battery; cathode; LiMn2O4; sodium; substitutio 1 Introduction Layered LiCoO2 has been widely used in commercial lithium ion......