Hydrolysis Mechanism of Borazine-derived Boron Nitride Pyrolysized below 1200 ℃Feng Cao ,Kun Liu,Zhenyu Fang and Siqing Wang National Key Laboratory of Advanced Ceramic Fibers and Composites,College of Aerospace and Materials Engineering,National University of Defense Technology,Changsha 410073,China摘 要:Boron nitride(BN) powders were synthesized......
particles increase the wear rate. Key words: DLC; PACVD; chromium plating; water; wear; friction  ... (AISI 420: Cr 13%, C 0.3%) in the annealed condition, with hardness of 2.4 GPa; 2) Cemented carbide (WC 94%, Co 6%) with hardness of 15 GPa; 3) Chromium-plated low-carbon steel (EN32b: C 0.15%, Mn 0.75......
Pulsed Laser Deposition of Boron Carbon Nitride Coatings侯清润,高炬摘 要:PulsedLaserDepositionofBoronCarbonNitrideCoatingsHouQingrunandGaoJu(侯清润)(高炬)DepartmentofPhysics,TheUniversityofHongKong,Pokfu...关键词:......
Calculation of Bulk Moduli of Carbon Nitride/metal Nitride Composites侯清润,高炬摘 要:CalculationofBulkModuliofCarbonNitride/metalNitrideCompositesHouQingrunandGaoJu(侯清润)(高炬)DepartmentofPhysics,TheUniversityofHo...关键词:......
="keys">Abstract: The aluminum nitride synthesized by mechano-chemical activation from carbothermal reduction (CTR) of alumina was investigated. Based on the experimental results, a new mechanism... synthesis. Keyword: alumina; carbothermal reduction; aluminum nitride; Received: 1999-11-23 氮化铝是近年来倍受人们关注的一种新型陶瓷材料, 碳热还原法是氮化铝粉末制备的最主要方法之一, 该工艺具有工艺简单......
;还原 中图分类号:TF 11 文献标识码:A New technology of producing chromium (Ⅲ) sulfate from magnesium chromite LI Rong-xing1, XIE... Co. Ltd., Kunming 650031, China) Abstract: The overall flow-sheet of producing chromium (Ⅲ) sulfate was described. The suitable conditions of each process such as sintering, leaching, aluminum removal......
RESEARCH AND PRODUCTION OF GLASS-CERAMIC DECORATED MATERIAL CONTAINING CHROMIUM程金树摘 要:<正>In this paper, the influences of catch-color agent content on glass-ceramic decorated material in the system of CaO-Al2O3-SiO2 were studied. By ladder temperature furnace and sintering shrinkage curve measurement, the influence of catch-color agent content......
Influence of the chromium and ytterbium co-doping on the photoluminescence of zinc selenide crystalsI.RadeviciWihuri Physical Laboratory,Department of Physics and Astronomy,University of TurkuFaculty... spectral range 2 bands were observed: a band in the excitonic spectral region and a band of self-activated luminescence. It was shown that co-doping of zinc selenide crystals with the chromium......