碘化钾-四丁基溴化铵-水体系浮选分离铱的研究李玉玲1,司学芝1,梁晨曦1,马万山1(1.河南省信阳市信阳师范学院化学化工学院)摘 要:研究了碘化钾-四丁基溴化铵-水体系分离IrⅣ的行为及IrⅣ与其他金属离子分离的条件.实验结果表明,在水溶液中,IrⅣ与四丁基溴化铵(TBAB)和碘化钾形成不溶于水的三元缔合物[IrI6][TBAB]2,此三元缔合物浮于水相上层形成界面清晰的液-固两相.当溶液中四丁基溴化铵和碘化钾的浓度分别为8.0×10-4 mol/L和6.0×10-3 mol/L,Ir(的浮选率达到97.6%,......
Determination of trace gadolinium by catalytic kinetic fluorimetryJuan-Ping Chen,Yu-Ying Liu,Ying-Jie GaoSchool of Chemical Engineering, Shandong University of Technology摘 要:There was a significant catalytic effect of trace Gd(III) ions on the oxidative reaction of potassium persulfate with Saffron T in the acetic acid–sodium acetate buffer solution......
. Light Metals 2012. Drlando, FL: TMS, 2012: 563-568. [4] 陈富强. 锂盐,钾盐对预焙槽生产的影响[J]. 材料与冶金学报, 2010, 9(S1): 148-150. CHEN Fu-qiang. Effect of lithium salt and potassium salt on the production of prebake cell.... But when superheat keeps identical, the effect of AlF3 content is obvious, the largest drop reaches 8.20%. Key words: aluminum electrolysis; potassium cryolite; electrolyte; solubility; aluminum oxide......
, the leaching rate is 96.92%, which shows that KF has good activation effect on roasting of the coal fly ash. Key words: coal fly ash; potassium fluoride; orthogonal experiment; activation mechanism......
砷(Ⅲ)-碘酸钾-中性红体系催化动力学荧光光度法测定痕量砷朱仁和1,陈兰化1(1.安徽省淮北市淮北师范大学化学与材料科学学院)摘 要:在H2SO4介质中,痕量As(Ⅲ)对碘酸钾氧化中性红的反应具有显著的催化作用,使其荧光强度减弱,据此提出了动力学荧光法测定As(Ⅲ)的新方法.详细研究了中性红,碘酸钾和硫酸的用量以及反应温度和时间对As(Ⅲ)测定的影响.结果表明,在最佳条件下,砷的质量浓度在2.0~600μg/L范围内与溶液荧光强度的改变值呈良好的线性关系,检出限为0.6μg/L.本法用于环境水样中As(Ⅲ)的测......
and chromium are 40.54 and 50.27 kJ/mol, respectively. Vanadium and chromium spinels are oxidized after the decomposition of fayalite and quartz phases. Key words: vanadium slag; potassium hydroxide......
Growth,structure and spectral characteristics of KEr_(0.1)Yb_(0.9)(WO_4)_2 laser crystal ZHANG Xuejian1,LI Chun1,LIU Jinghe1,ZENG Fanming1,ZHANG Ying1,LIN Hai1,WANG Chengwei1,QIN Jieming1 (1.College of Materials Science and Engineering,Changchun University of Science and Technology,Changchun 130022,China) Key words:Er~(3+)-doped potassium ytterbium tungstate; Kyropoulos method; structure......
流动注射抑制化学发光法测定矿石中钯李元岗1,杨胜科1,张亚娟1,朱涛2(1.长安大学 环境科学与工程学院,陕西西安 7100542.长安大学 环境科学与工程学院,陕西西安 710054)摘 要:建立了一种响应良好测定钯的化学发光检测方法.碱性条件下,在KIO4-钙黄绿素化学发光体系中,加入钯(能抑制该体系的化学发光反应,使发光强度降低,且强度降低值与钯(的浓度在1×10-6~5×10-5 g/mL范围呈线性关系,相关系数r=0.998 9.方法的检出限为8×10-7 g/mL.对浓度为2×10-6 g/mL钯(......