and Na2SnO3+In(OH)3 on the properties of Al alloy anode were studied in alkaline medium at 25 ℃. The self-corrosion rate of Al alloy anode was studied by method of H2 immersed in aqueous medium... alloy anode; electrode potential; self-corrosion rate; alkaline medium
Taper barrel rheomoulding process for semi-solid slurry preparation and microstructure evolution of A356 aluminum alloy
ZHANG Fan(张 帆), KANG Yong-lin(康永林), YANG Liu-qing(杨柳青), DING Rui-hua(丁瑞华... rheomoulding (TBR) machine for light alloy semi-solid slurry preparation was introduced. The semi-solid slurry was obtained from the intense shearing turbulence of the alloy melt in the cause......Taper barrel rheomoulding process for semi-solid slurry preparation and microstructure evolution of A356 aluminum alloy
来源: 《中国有色金属学报(英文版)2010年第9期》——张帆 康永林 杨柳青 丁瑞华
in the loop airlift reactor, after the leaching process, the slurry was diluted for the separation of K2CrO4 and ferrite-enriched residue; then the diluted alkaline solution was evaporated and concentrated... phenomenon has also been observed in the CuO catalytic wet oxidation in Bayer liquor (highly alkaline) [10]. It has been established that the dissolution of CuO could form soluble copper hydroxyl......
Chemical component of alkaline leaching solution (mg/L) 2.2.2 浸出渣XRD及SEM-EDS分析 取2.2.1节最佳浸出条件下的浸出渣进行XRD以及SEM-EDS分析,其结果如图5所示.由图5可以看出,浸出渣中基本无氧化锌特征峰,主要为锌铁氧化物,说明在该条件下,可溶性锌基本被浸出,而铁富集于渣中.由浸出渣的... image(b) of alkaline leaching residues and EDS spectra of areas A(c) and B(d) 3 结论 1) 高铁锌焙砂经过CO还原焙烧-碱浸工艺处理,可以提高锌的回收率和基本实现锌铁分离,实验结果表明焙烧温度,焙烧时间,氢氧化钠浓度,温度以及液固比对锌浸出效果影响较大,其最佳工艺条件为焙烧温度800 ℃,CO浓度4%(体积分......
A. Chemical mechanical polishing(CMP)anisotropy in sapphire[J]. Applied Surface Science, 2004, 236: 120-130. [7] HARA T, BALAKUMAR S. Chemical mechanical polishing of copper layer employing MnO2 slurry[J... is advantageous for epitaxial growth and device making-up. Key words: sapphire; substrate; surface treatment; chemical mechanical polishing; slurry 1 Introduction Sapphire (α-Al2O3) single crystal......
Preparation of semi-solid slurry at power frequency by annulus electromagnetic stirring method BAI Yue-long(白月龙), XU Jun(徐 骏), ZHANG Zhi-feng(张志峰), SHI Li-kai(石力开) General Research... alloy; semi-solid; electromagnetic stirring; slurry preparation  ......
Numerical simulation and analysis of solid-liquid two-phase three-dimensional unsteady flow in centrifugal slurry pumpWU Bo(吴波)1, WANG Xi-li(汪西力)1, LIU Hui2, XU Hai-liang(徐海良)1(1. School... turbulence model and sliding grid technique, solid-liquid two-phase three-dimensional (3-D) unsteady turbulence of full passage in slurry pump was simulated by means of Fluent software. The effects......