; 文章编号:1672-7207(2015)11-4384-07 Dust removal technology of eject spraying between hydraulic supports on fully mechanized mining face NIE Wen1, 2, LIU Yanghao1, 2... to effectively solve the problem that it is difficult to control the dusts in the progress of cutting coal by shearer and the shift of hydraulic supports on fully mechanized mining face, the dust removal......
running the air curtain, because the air flow-rate in the skip shaft can be reduced. Also, the dust rising in the cross-cut can be prevented by reducing the air velocity. The air curtain does not influence the passage of man and vehicle. Key words: mine; air curtain with parallel fans; ice prevention; dust prevention - 矿用空气幕是由高效低噪风机通过供风器以较高的风速按一定方向喷射出的一股扁平射流,可起到类似风门隔断风流,辅扇引射风流和增阻调节风窗的作用......
径下镁铝合金粉尘云最低着火温度随分散压力的变化,如图3所示. 图3 分散压力对镁铝合金粉尘云最低着火温度的影响 Fig. 3 Effect of dispersion pressure on minimum ignition temperature of magnesium-aluminum alloy dust cloud 由图3可以看出:镁铝合金粉尘云最低着火温度会随着分散压力的增大呈现先减...铝合金粉粉尘云最低着火温度随粉尘粒径的变化如图4所示. 图4 粉尘粒径对镁铝合金粉尘云最低着火温度的影响 Fig. 4 Effect of dust particle size on minimum ignition temperature of magnesium-aluminum alloy dust cloud 由图4可以看出:1) 随着粒径的增大,镁铝合金粉最低着火温度增大,其对应的火灾......
Numerical simulation of the direct reduction of pellets in a rotary hearth furnace for zinc-containing metallurgical dust treatmentYu-liang Wu1,Ze-yi Jiang2,Xin-xin Zhang3,Peng Wang1,Xue-feng She11. School of Mechanical Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing2. Beijing Engineering Research Center for Energy Saving and Environmental Protection, University of Science......
; 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1672-7207(2020)04-0922-09 Comparative analysis of the effectiveness of powder materials on suppressing aluminum dust cloud explosion WANG Qiuhong1...’an 710054, China) Abstract: Exploring effective inhibitory powder materials is necessary for reducing the damage degree of aluminum dust cloud explosion accident. The transient flame propagation......
,Pa;为刷丝截面惯性矩,m4;为刷毛的自由长度,m;为刷毛的变形量,m;为刷毛与地面接触的数量;为滚刷半径,m;为滚刷圆周线速度,m/s.图3中,R0为滚刷轴半径,m;YK为刷毛自由长度与变形量之差. ,代入式(5)和式(6)可求得和. 图3 滚刷刷毛与尘粒接触受力图 Fig. 3 Contact force diagram between brush bristles and dust...平行的两侧进行扩张,其端面作为进风口,与吹风口垂直两侧则根据实际情况作为壁面. 图4 吹扫吸装置的结构模型 Fig. 4 Simulating structure model of dust suction apparatus 2.2 数学模型 流场遵循下列动力学方程[20]. 1) 连续性方程: (8) 其中:为流体密度;v为流体速度. 2) 动量方程: (9) 其中,校正压力为 (10) 为......
of reactions is determined by curve fitting and minimization of error.Key words:lycopodium dust particles; thermogravimetric analysis; pyrolysis; combustion; ignition temperature; chemical kinetics......
三电平中点箝位技术在冶炼生产中的应用张秋实1,刘文庄1,吴国秋2(1.北京市华北科技学院机电系2.河北钢铁集团唐山钢铁集团有限责任公司)摘 要:在钢铁冶炼过程中,除尘风机采用变频调速技术可以有效地满足冶炼生产工艺要求,大幅度节约电能,并能延长电动机的寿命.根据实际风机的控制要求,介绍了基于IGCT三电平中点箝位技术的高压变频器特点,采用此装置可以很好地满足风机运行的动态和静态要求,适应冶炼现场的生产工况.对变频改造前后的运行情况及经济性进行了分析对比,结果表明,新系统运行更加合理,可靠,节能效果显著,具有广泛的......
; 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1672-7207(2016)10-3612-08 Research on dust control and removal method of multi-direction... and Safety Engineering, Shandong University of Science and Technology, Qingdao 266590, China) Abstract: In order to effectively reduce the dust mass concentration at the rock mechanized excavation face......