进了晶核的形成, 从而细化了晶粒. c. 经过超声波预处理,7055铝合金的抗拉强度和塑性大幅度提高. 参考文献:[1]Eskin G I. Broad prospects for commercial application of the ultrasonic (cavitation) melt treatment of light alloys[J]. Ultrasonics..., 促进形核和细化晶粒的作用机制. 显微组织观察和力学性能测试结果表明: 经过超声波预处理后,7055铝合金晶粒明显细化, 退火态延伸率和抗拉强度均大幅度提高. 关键词: 7055铝合金; 超声熔体处理; 超声振动; 声空化 中图分类号:TG166.3 文献标识码:A 文章编号: 1672-7207(2005)03-0354-04 Effect of ultrasonic melt......
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Influence of heat treatment on high frequency soft magnetic properties of Finemet amorphous alloy YANG Sha(杨 沙)1, 2, CHEN Bo-qu(陈伯渠) 1, 2, YAN Biao(严 彪) 1, 2, LU Wei(陆 伟) 1, 2, LONG Ling(龙..., the microstructural change and nanocrystallization under different heat treatment conditions were investigated by XRD and TEM. The crystallite size of α-Fe was calculated from the XRD pattern using......
, China) Abstract: The dispersion of TiH2 in the melt route precursor for two-step foaming process of aluminum foam was studied, including the measurement of aluminum melt viscosity, the effects of processing parameters on the dispersion of TiH2, etc. The results show that 610 ℃ is the key point of the temperature-viscosity relationship of aluminum foam. While the melt temperature is below......
cast over a cooling plate offer a fine uniform structure that can be forged even without a separate homogenization treatment. This is made it possible by the limited superheat of the melt at the start... be forged even without a separate homogenization treatment, thanks to the limited superheat of the melt at the start of casting and the fractional solidification that occurs already on the cooling plate......
treatment QU Tian-peng(屈天鹏), WANG De-yong(王德永), WANG Hui-hua(王慧华),HOU Dong(侯栋), TIAN Jun(田俊) Shagang School of Iron and Steel, Soochow University, Suzhou 215021, China Central South University Press... oxide MgAl2O4 or MgO always existed in molten steel after magnesium treatment. In consideration of the segregation and enrichment of solute elements at the solidification front, the Ohnaka......
Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 31(2021) 565-575 Effect of casting speed on floating grains and macrosegregation of direct-chill cast 2024 alloy with intensive melt shearing Xu-dong LIU1,2, Qing... the influence of intensive melt shearing to explore the effect of casting speed and intensive melt shearing on the floating grains and negative centerline segregation. The results indicate......
of rapidly solidified Al87Ni7Cu3Nd3 amorphous alloy prepared by melt spinning method XIAO Yu-de(肖于德)1, 2, LI Min(李 敏)1, ZHONG Jue(钟 掘)2, LI Wen-xian(黎文献)1, MA Zheng-qing(马正青)1 (1. School of Materials... amorphous alloy was prepared by using melt spinning. Its calorimetric behavior was characterized by using differential scanning calorimeter in a continuous or isothermal heating mode. phase transformation......
处理改变了熔体结构状态. 关键词:定向凝固;过热处理;一次枝晶间距;熔体结构;凝固组织 中图分类号:TG 132.3 文献标识码:A Influence of melt superheat treatment on directional solidification microstructure of Al-4.7%Cu alloy SI Nai-chao, SUN Ke-qing, WU Qiang (School of Materials Science and Engineering, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, China) Abstract: The influence of melt superheat treatment......