Synthesis, structure, DNA binding and cleavage activity of a new copper(II) complex of bispyridylpyrrolideMIN Rui(闵睿), HU Xiao-hui(胡晓惠), YI Xiao-yi(易小艺), ZHANG Shou-chun(张寿春) (School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China)Abstract:A copper-bispyridylpyrrolide complex [Cu(PDPH)Cl] (PDPH = 2,5-bis(2′-pyridyl)pyrrole) was synthesized and characterized......
DYNAMIC COMPACTION OF PURE COPPER POWDER USING PULSED MAGNETIC FORCE H.P. Yu1,C. F. Li1 (1.National Key Laboratory for Precision Hot Processing of Metals, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin... words:magnetic pulse compaction; copper powder; compaction density; electromagnetic forming; [全文内容正在添加中] ......
Catalytic effect of activated carbon on bioleaching of low-grade primary copper sulfide ores ZHANG Wei-min(张卫民)1, GU Shi-fei(谷士飞)2 1. School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, East China... June 2007 ______________________________________________________________ Abstract: The catalytic effect of activated carbon on the bioleaching of low-grade primary copper sulfide ores using mixture......
Influence of alkylpyridinium ionic liquids on copper electrodeposition from acidic sulfate electrolyteZHANG Qi-bo(张启波), HUA Yi-xin(华一新), REN Yan-xu(任艳旭), CHEN Li-yuan(陈立源)(Faculty of Metallurgical... (BpyHSO4) and N-hexylpyridinium hydrogen sulfate (HpyHSO4) on the kinetics of copper electrodeposition from acidic sulfate solution was investigated by cyclic voltammetry and potentiodynamic......
Flattening behavior of copper droplets in plasma spray forming ZENG Hao-ping(曾好平) School of Mechanical Engineering, University of Science and Technology Liaoning, Anshan 114051, China; Received... parameters-droplet diameter, temperature and velocity, even though the flattening time decreases when the droplet velocity increase. Key words: copper droplets; flattening behavior; simulation; plasma......
Large-scale Growth of Copper Oxide Nanowires on Various Copper SubstratesYumei Yue1,Mingji Chen2,Yang Ju21. Faculty of Aerospace Engineering,Shenyang Aerospace University2. Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering,Nagoya University摘 要:Large-scale growth of copper oxide nanowires was realized on surfaces of various copper-containing substrates......