Article ID: 1003-6326(2005)05-1085-04 Maximum solid solubility of transition metals in vanadium solvent ZHANG Jin-long(张金龙)1, FANG Shou-shi(方守狮)1, ZHOU Zi-qiang(周自强)1, LIN Gen-wen(林根文)1, GE Jian..., University of Windsor, Windsor, Ont., Canada N9B 3P4) Abstract: Maximum solid solubility (Cmax) of different transition metals in metal solvent can be described by a semi-empirical equation using function......
utilized to construct probability box. Finally, we used the Monte Carlo simulation and FERUM software to calculate the upper and lower bounds of probability of failure. Key words: composite laminate; structural reliability; probability box; estimation theory; stress analysis Cite this article as: Esmail SADEGHIAN, Sina TOOSI. Reliability analysis of a composite laminate using estimation theory [J......
Structural transition of Ni-Mn-Ga ferromagnetic shape memory alloy particles prepared by ball milling CHEN Feng(陈 枫), TIAN Bing(田 兵), LI Li(李 莉), ZHENG Yu-feng(郑玉峰) Center... completely after annealing at 600 ℃ for 1 h, for the severe lattice distortion induced in the VBM process is not eliminated entirely. Key words: Ni-Mn-Ga alloy particles; structural transition; phase......
Phase transition of bastnaesite concentrate in calcification processYu-Kun Huang,Ting-An Zhang,Zhi-He Dou,Jiang Liu,Fang-Fang TangKey Laboratory of Ecological Metallurgy of Multi-Metal Intergrown... into rare earth hydrate at the calcification temperature range of 225–300 °C. However, this transition is verified to be an efficient reaction for the activating bastnaesite when the temperature......
Grain-size-induced Relaxor Ferroelectric Phase Transition in SrBi2Ta2O9 Nanoparticles柯华Institute for Advanced Ceramics,Harbin Institute of Technology摘 要:The transition from paraelectric phase to ferroelectric phase for SrBi2Ta2O9(SBT) nanoparticles has been investigated by high-temperature X-ray diffraction,temperature-dependent dielectric and specific......
; 文章编号:1672-7207(2015)05-1876-10 Probability response spectrum based on improved stochastic model for earthquake ground motion YIN Jiang1, ZHOU Xianyan1, YI Weijian2...),the conditional probability model of elastic acceleration demand was deduced for SDOF system, and the probability spectrum of displacement demand and acceleration demand were established. Considering......
Phase Transition and Elastic Properties of NbN under Hydrostatic Pressure任达华1,2,AN Xinyou2,程新路1,LUO Xuan2,YANG Ruizhuang2,ZAHNG Zhen1,2,WU Weidong1,21. Institute of Atomic and Molecular Physics, Sichuan University2. Reseach Center of Laser Fusion,CAEP摘 要:First-principles pseudopotential calculations are performed to investigate the phase transition......
Adhesion between Nonreactive Liquid Metals and Transition Metal Carbides李建国摘 要:<正> On the basis of the experimental work of adhesion(W)data,the adhesion between transition metal car-bides and pure liquid metals which do not react with carbides is studied.In view of great scattering of the ex-perimental values of W,a critical analysis......
Magnetic Phase Transition and Magnetic Entropy Change in La0.8Pr0.2Fe11.4Si1.6 Compound李晓伟,李国栋,徐超,王立刚摘 要:The magnetic properties and the phase... IEM transition and a strong temperature dependence of the critical field BC.关键词:......
Synthesis and Characterization of Transition Metals Doped ZnO NanorodsG.MurugadossDepartment of Physics,Annamalai University摘 要:Different morphologies of undoped and transition metals(Mn,Co and Ni) doped one-dimensional(1D) ZnO nanocrystals were successfully synthesized by chemical method in an air atmosphere using polyvinylpyrrolidone(PVP......