the installing angles (impact angle, inclination angle and the skew angle) were studied, and the static model of installing angles of the pick was built. The relationships among the impact angle, the tip angle... the half of the difference between the minimum wearing angle and the impact angle of the pick, and the clearance angle must not be less than zero. Key words: conical point attack pick; cutting force......
on numerical simulation of impact velocity and impact angle to hard target penetration acceleration influence[J]. Journal of System Simulation, 2007, 19(11): 2607-2609. (in Chinese) [14] ZHANG De-zhi... Crack propagation of Mg-Li alloys by impact load QU Zhi-ming(曲志明)1, LIANG Xiao-ying(梁晓颖)1, ZHOU Xin-quan(周心权)2, SHI San-yuan(史三元)1 1. School of Civil Engineering, Hebei Engineering University......
J. Cent. South Univ. (2019) 26: 905-915 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11771-019-4059-x Train driver protection under secondary impact WANG Wen-bin(王文斌), ZHOU He-chao(周和超), ZHAN Jun(詹军) Institute... structural is established based on the finite element method. The secondary impact between train driver and control desk is fully analysed and two measures are proposed to reduce the driver injury severity......
Assessment of rapid impact compaction in ground improvement from in-situ testingM. M. Mohammed, H. Roslan, S. Firas(Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Malaya.... This work presents a case study of ground improvement using rapid impact compaction (RIC). The research site comprises the construction of workshop and depots as part of railway development project......
out at room temperature immediately after the heat treatment, the precipitation of fine particles before impact testing can be negligible. As mentioned in the previous result[8], the high angle grain boundaries after RD-ECAP processing should contribute to the plasticity of Charpy impact test specimens, though the high angle grain boundary is a barrier to dislocation motion. Conclusively......
J. Cent. South Univ. (2018) 25: 2550-2566 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11771-018-3935-0 Dilation angle variations in plastic zone around tunnels in rocks-constant or variable dilation parameter... of Springer Nature 2018 Abstract: Dilation angle is a significant parameter needed for numerical simulation of tunnels. Even though dilation parameter is physically variable and dependent on confinement......
surface of the projectile with an angle of about 45° with the impact end surface, which is the evident characteristic of specimens in critical fractured stage. When the impact velocity exceeds 236 m/s... of it, and the crack makes an angle of about 45° with the impact end surface, denoted as crack 1. This crack expanded on a shear plane (denoted as shear plane 1) along the direction of the maximum shear stress......
anK?36 J/cm2 for the majority of extruded alloys, the impact fracture changes to V-type plane with angle of approximately 120°, and meanwhile, the flexion degree of specimen increases gradually. Shear... Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 22(2012) 2334-2342 Effect of microstructure on impact toughness of magnesium alloys HUANG Zheng-hua, QI Wen-jun, XU Jing Guangzhou Research Institute of Nonferrous......
X80管线钢的冲击断裂行为邓伟1,高秀华1,秦小梅1,赵德文1,杜林秀1,王国栋1(1.辽宁省沈阳市东北大学轧制技术及连轧自动化国家重点实验室)摘 要:在-20和-60℃对X80管线钢进行Charpy冲击实验,用SEM-EDS对断口进行形貌和夹杂物成分分析,并将断口切开进行金相和EBSD观察,研究X80管线钢的冲击断裂行为.结果表明:温度对X80管线钢最大冲击载荷影响较小,但随实验温度降低,裂纹形成功,裂纹扩展功和止裂后吸收的能量显著减小.在冲击断裂过程中强烈的拉应力作用使断口附近产生变形带,晶粒沿与主裂纹垂直......