


论文作者:邹艳红 毛先成

文章页码:463 - 467


Key words:geological survey database; digital mine; database management system; application system

摘    要:介绍了地测数据库的建立方法,针对地测矿产资源数据种类多和量大的特点,提出采用树状目录结构组织数据,选用SQLServer或Oracle等商用数据库软件并借鉴GIS基础软件进行数据管理;给出了地测数据集成与各类应用系统集成的整体框架。在该框架中,地测矿产原始数据库及其管理信息系统为各项应用研究提供统一、标准化的数据资源平台,各项研究可根据其应用目标,从地质矿产原始数据库析取所需数据资源,建立专题应用系统。此外,对应用系统的功能开发与集成进行了研究,并结合实例,讨论了采用树状目录结构建立地测矿产数据库的过程,开发了相应的数据库管理系统和基于AutoCAD2000的辅助地质成图系统,对矿床建模与隐伏矿体立体定量预测方法进行了研究。

Abstract: The method of establishing geological survey database is introduced. Due to many categories of the original data a tree-catalogue structure is proposed to organize the original data, and a large database system,such as SQLServer or Oracle, is chosen to manage the data. If possible, it is necessary to use geographic in-formation system(GIS) software to manage the data. At the same time, a architecture global for integrating the geological survey data in mine is also proposed. In this architecture, the original database and corresponding database management system (DBMS) can provide a common and standard data resource platform for various application and a special application system can be obtained from the original database. Furthermore, the function development and integration for some application systems are discussed. By a practical example, the procedure for establishing geological survey database is presented, the database management system and mine geology aided drawing on AutoCAD 2000 are developed, the geology model and quantitative prediction method of buried ore body are investigated.



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