用GE 90-70 PLC实现加热炉步进梁的速度控制
文章页码:59 - 62
关键词:GE90-70PLC; 步进梁; 速度; 比例阀; 斜坡
Key words:GE 90-70 PLC; walking beam; speed; proportional valve; slope
摘 要:宝钢集团上海梅山有限公司热轧板厂原1号步进式加热炉的步进梁采用的是泵控系统,现场无传感器检测步进梁位移量,步进梁的动作全部靠手动操作,速度不易掌控,生产节奏也较慢。为适应生产的需要,加快轧制速度,2002年投产的2号加热炉和2007年投产的3号加热炉均采用全自动控制,利用位移传感器检测步进梁的位移量,通过比例阀以及在GE 90-70 PLC程序中采用斜坡技术对步进梁运动进行加减速控制,达到控制步进梁运行速度的目的,实现对板坯的轻拿轻放。年产量由原来的几十万t发展到现在的300万t,大大提高了生产节奏。
Abstract: Pump control system was used in walking beam control of the old No.1 heating furnace in Hot Strip Mill of Shanghai Meishan Company.There is no sensor for detection of walking beam displacement,and walking beam was manipulated by hand,so that it is not easy to control the speed of walking beam and production rhythm was slow.To meet requirement of production and quicken rolling speed,No.2 heating furnace was put into operation in 2002 and No.3 in 2007.All automatic control was adopted,displacement of walking beam was detected by displacement transducer,and acceleration and deceleration control of walking beam was carried out through proportional valve and by use of slope technique in program of GE 90-70 PLC,thus,travelling speed of walking beam can be controlled and lift and release of slab can be operated lightly.Annual output of slab is developed from hundreds of thousands tons to three million tons,and production rhythm is improved greatly.
摘 要:宝钢集团上海梅山有限公司热轧板厂原1号步进式加热炉的步进梁采用的是泵控系统,现场无传感器检测步进梁位移量,步进梁的动作全部靠手动操作,速度不易掌控,生产节奏也较慢。为适应生产的需要,加快轧制速度,2002年投产的2号加热炉和2007年投产的3号加热炉均采用全自动控制,利用位移传感器检测步进梁的位移量,通过比例阀以及在GE 90-70 PLC程序中采用斜坡技术对步进梁运动进行加减速控制,达到控制步进梁运行速度的目的,实现对板坯的轻拿轻放。年产量由原来的几十万t发展到现在的300万t,大大提高了生产节奏。
关键词:GE90-70PLC; 步进梁; 速度; 比例阀; 斜坡