论文作者:张建良 范正赟 杨天钧 有山达郎 林祥海 孔德文
文章页码:17 - 22
关键词:高炉; 固体流; 弹性模量; 三维离散元法; 模拟
Key words:blast furnace; solid flow; Young’s modulus; 3D-discrete element method; simulation
摘 要:采用三维离散元法对不同弹性模量条件下,5000m3高炉内的炉料的运动行为进行了研究。发现,当弹性模量取0.06GPa时,炉料颗粒的变形量超过了自身半径的1/2,炉身处发生严重的混料现象,炉缸内焦炭颗粒发生堆积,无焦空间减小,而且计算在100步以后自动终止。而当弹性模量在10~0.6GPa范围内变化时,炉身段料层倾角随弹性模量的减小而增大,高炉下部的焦炭速度过渡区随弹性模量的减小而缩小,死料柱有所增高,但下部炉料颗粒间的法向应力会随着弹性模量的减小而增大。此外,弹性模量的减小导致了炉料颗粒间的瞬态滑动行为减少。但弹性模量的变化并没有改变高炉内炉料的运动特征,其运动仍然是由稳态下降运动与瞬态运动组成。
Abstract: The solid flow in 5 000m3 blast furnace was simulated by 3D-discrete element method under the condition of different Young’s modulus.It is found that when Young’s modulus is 0.06GPa,the magnitude of particle deformation is greater than the half of the radius of particle.Moreover,the burdens in shaft are mixed and cokes in hearth are stacked along the wall,which result in the decrease of free space.After 100 time steps,the calculation would terminate naturally.When Young’s modulus is in the range of 10GPa and 0.6GPa,the angle of layer in shaft would increase with the decrease in the Young’s modulus.In the lower part of blast furnace,the transition zone of velocity between melting zone and deadman would decrease,and the height of deadman increase,however,the normal and shear stress between particles would increase with the decrease of the Young’s modulus.In addition,the decrease of Young’s modulus results in the decrease of the relative slip behavior between particles.But,the variation of Young’s modulus would not change the characteristics of motion of burden in blast furnace that is composed of the steady motion and the transient motion of burden.
(1.北京市北京科技大学 冶金与生态工程学院
2.东北大学 多元物质科学研究所,仙台 980-8577,日本)
摘 要:采用三维离散元法对不同弹性模量条件下,5000m3高炉内的炉料的运动行为进行了研究。发现,当弹性模量取0.06GPa时,炉料颗粒的变形量超过了自身半径的1/2,炉身处发生严重的混料现象,炉缸内焦炭颗粒发生堆积,无焦空间减小,而且计算在100步以后自动终止。而当弹性模量在10~0.6GPa范围内变化时,炉身段料层倾角随弹性模量的减小而增大,高炉下部的焦炭速度过渡区随弹性模量的减小而缩小,死料柱有所增高,但下部炉料颗粒间的法向应力会随着弹性模量的减小而增大。此外,弹性模量的减小导致了炉料颗粒间的瞬态滑动行为减少。但弹性模量的变化并没有改变高炉内炉料的运动特征,其运动仍然是由稳态下降运动与瞬态运动组成。
关键词:高炉; 固体流; 弹性模量; 三维离散元法; 模拟