低温下MBBR处理低碳氮质量比生活污水的 同步硝化反硝化特性


论文作者:汪传新 龚灵潇 彭永臻

文章页码:2920 - 2928


Key words:simultaneous nitri?cation-denitri?cation; biofilm; MBBR; biological nitrogen removal

摘    要:以缺氧/好氧生物膜系统处理碳氮质量比为3.45±0.77的生活污水,当内回流比(R)为250%~300%时,重点考察低温下好氧移动床生物膜反应器(MBBR)内的同步硝化反硝化(SND)特性。研究结果表明:系统通过延长水力停留时间(HRT)(19.2 h→30.3 h),较好地适应了季节性降温(25.2 ℃→14.6 ℃),出水COD((51.1±6.3) mg/L)和NH4+-N((2.76±2.02) mg/L)质量浓度分别达一级B和一级A标准。SND脱氮率受低温影响较小,当水温为(23.0±1.6) ℃(R=250%),(19.5±0.9) ℃(R=300%),(17.1±0.6) ℃(R=300%)和(15.1±0.4) ℃(R=300%)时,可去除进水中39.4%~47.3%的总氮TN,出水TN质量浓度分别为(18.44±2.60),(13.92±3.16),(14.93±2.19),(14.11±2.14) mg/L。同步反硝化成为发生SND的关键,平均厚度为323~1 143 μm的载体生物膜可形成缺氧“微环境”,并在长HRT下有效利用原水中的缓慢降解碳源,发生内源反硝化。在DO质量浓度为(3.5±0.5) mg/L,碳氮质量比为2.5~3.3时,MBBR内的生物膜可实现速率为0.353 mg/(L·h)的同步脱氮。

Abstract: Anoxic/oxic biofilm system was used to treat domestic sewage with m(C)/m(N) ratio of (3.45±0.77) and characteristics of simultaneous nitrification-denitrification at low temperature were investigated in the oxic moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR). The results show that the system adjusts to the seasonal dropping of temperature (25.2 ℃→14.6 ℃) by lengthening the hydraulic retention time (HRT)(19.2 h→30.3 h), and as a result, the effluent COD ((51.1±6.3) mg/L) and NH4+-N ((2.76±2.02) mg/L) concentrations achieve class A and class B limit, respectively. Nitrogen removal efficiency of SND is less affected by low temperature and 39.4%-47.3% of influent TN can be removed by SND at temperatures of (23.0±1.6) ℃(R=250%), (19.5±0.9) ℃(R=300%), and (17.1±0.6) ℃ (R=300%), (15.1±0.4) ℃(R=300%), which realizes effluent TN concentrations of (18.44±2.60), (13.92±3.16), (14.93±2.19), (14.11±2.14) mg/L, respectively. Simultaneous denitrification becomes the key factor of SND, biofilm with average thickness of 323-1 143 μm can form anoxic micro-environment, and using the slow biodegradable carbon source in influent can achieve endogenous denitrification effectively at long HRT. Biofilm in MBBR can realize simultaneous nitrogen removal at 0.353 mg/(L·h) at DO mass concentration of (3.5±0.5) mg/L and m(C)/m(N) ratio of 2.5-3.3.


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