文章页码:112 - 118
关键词:投入产出模型; 软件; 经济分析; 经济计划
Key words:input-output model; software; economic analysis; economic planning
摘 要:根据价值型投入产出模型的基本原理,研制了投入产出模型在经济分析、经济计划中的应用软件。实际应用证明:该软件功能丰富,通用性好,扩充方便,使用方便,计算速度快,具有较大的实用价值。
Abstract: This paper deals with an applied software of value input-output model accord-ing to the principle of the model. The software can be used in economic analysisand economic planning. It has been proved that the software has a variety offunctions and can be used widely, and that its function can be enlarged easily and itis simple to user and it can calculate fast. Therefore, the software is useful to theinput-output analysis.