Determination of arsenic speciation in secondary zinc oxide and arsenic leachability


论文作者:李玉虎 刘志宏 赵忠伟 李启厚 刘智勇 曾理

文章页码:1209 - 1216


Key words:secondary zinc oxide; arsenic species; alkali leaching; arsenic removal

摘    要:

研究烟化炉次氧化锌中砷的物相类型。结果表明:按砷的物相可将次氧化锌分为3种类型。在一型次氧化锌中砷以As2O3形态存在,而在二型和三型次氧化锌中砷分别以亚砷酸锌(Zn(AsO2)2)和砷酸铅(Pb(As2O6), Pb4As2O9)形态存在。在热力学分析基础上,对二型次氧化锌进行浸出脱砷。结果表明:采用30 g/L NaOH溶液,在液固比3、温度20℃的条件下,砷的浸出率在1 h内可达到65%~70%,而铅、锌的损失均小于1%。


The species of arsenic in secondary zinc oxide generated from fuming furnace were investigated. The results revealed that there are mainly three types of secondary zinc oxide based on three arsenic species. The main phase of As is As2O3 in type I, zinc arsenite (Zn(AsO2)2) in type II and lead arsenate (Pb(As2O6), Pb4As2O9) in type III, respectively. Selective leaching of zinc oxide of type II was carried out. The leaching rate of As kept at 65%?70% with 30 g/L NaOH and L/S ratio of 3 at 20℃ for 1 h, while the losses of Pb and Zn were both below 1%.

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