

论文作者:陈春怀 王欣 张文兴 周敬恩

文章页码:25 - 28

关键词:淬火; 聚合物; 淬火介质

Key words:quenching; polymer; quenchant

摘    要:聚合物淬火介质是新近发展起来的具有显著优点的淬火剂 ,在钢铁和有色金属淬火上得到了广泛应用 ,但与其使用有关的一些问题 ,如较大的变形、开裂和细菌滋生等 ,也给一些使用者造成了巨大的经济损失。由对这些问题的长期跟踪和研究 ,提出了要从正确选择聚合物淬火剂、使用时需要对淬火系统进行相应地改造和对使用中的水基溶液要进行严格监测等方面着手解决这些问题。

Abstract: Polymer quenchants, a newly developed products with unique advantages, have been found wide application in machining process. However, quite a lot of new problems associated with its application, such as bigger distortion, crack, bacteria etc, have caused great losses and cast the doubt to its application. The systematic research for such problems is summarized. The solutions lie in the corrective selection of quenchant, the necessary modification of the system and monitoring solution in a suitable way.

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