论文作者:李俊洪 李军 樊华 冯楷荣 熊旭 邓澄
文章页码:66 - 69
关键词:无取向电工钢; 平整; 辊型曲线; 平整工艺
Key words:non-oriented silicon steel; temper mill; roll shape; skin passing technology
摘 要:板形和表面质量是无取向电工钢的重要质量指标。为了提高叠片系数,必须保证无取向电工钢表面光滑、板形良好。针对攀钢冷轧厂普通连续退火生产线生产无取向电工钢存在的板形和表面质量问题,以带材前张应力横向分布均匀作为目标函数,建立了一套针对无取向电工钢平整机的辊型曲线及工艺参数优化数学模型,开发了无取向电工钢专用平整工艺及配套的平整机辊型曲线,使无取向电工钢平整轧制力为80~200 kN、平整张应力为10~40 MPa,平整伸长率小于0.1%,在保证产品板形和表面质量条件下,保证了产品电磁性能要求。
Abstract: The shape and surface quality are important quality indexes of non-oriented silicon steel strip.Considering the lamination factor,the non-oriented silicon steel must have a smooth surface and good shape.According to the characteristics of production technology of non-oriented silicon steel strip,a mathematic model was designed to the roll shape and the skin passing technology is construct.In this model,the uniformity of the distribution of front tension is taken as the objective function.Based on,a skin passing technology of non-oriented silicon steel strip and temper mill’s roll shape is developed.In this skin passing technology,the rolling force is about 80-200 kN,the skin passing tension is about 10-40 MPa,the skin-pass rate is Less than 0.1%.The application of this technology in industry shows that the new roll shapes and the skin passing technology not only guarantee the shape and surface quality of non-oriented silicon steel strip,but also guarantee the non-oriented silicon steel’s electromagnetic performance.
(1.四川省攀枝花市 攀枝花钢铁研究院
2.攀枝花钢铁研究院,四川攀枝花 617000
3.攀枝花新钢钒股份有限公司,四川攀枝花 617023)
摘 要:板形和表面质量是无取向电工钢的重要质量指标。为了提高叠片系数,必须保证无取向电工钢表面光滑、板形良好。针对攀钢冷轧厂普通连续退火生产线生产无取向电工钢存在的板形和表面质量问题,以带材前张应力横向分布均匀作为目标函数,建立了一套针对无取向电工钢平整机的辊型曲线及工艺参数优化数学模型,开发了无取向电工钢专用平整工艺及配套的平整机辊型曲线,使无取向电工钢平整轧制力为80~200 kN、平整张应力为10~40 MPa,平整伸长率小于0.1%,在保证产品板形和表面质量条件下,保证了产品电磁性能要求。
关键词:无取向电工钢; 平整; 辊型曲线; 平整工艺