

论文作者:郭子红 刘新荣 朱占元

文章页码:3217 - 3225


Key words:shallow tunnel; sliding surface; stability; limit equilibrium; variational principle

摘    要:为探索浅埋隧道稳定性定量分析,采用极限平衡法和变分原理分别建立自由边界条件下浅埋隧道的垂直型、倾斜型和曲线型破裂面稳定分析方法,结合数值模拟共同分析浅埋隧道破裂面分布形式和稳定性指标。研究结果表明:当F为静止土压力时,曲线型和倾斜型破裂面条件下所获浅埋隧道破裂面分布和安全系数很接近,且所获安全系数最小,选择其作为浅埋隧道稳定性分析比较保守;浅埋隧道围岩破裂面分布受内摩擦角、内聚力和支护压力的影响相对较小,受隧道埋深影响最显著;内摩擦角和埋深对隧道安全系数影响相对较小,内聚力和支护压力对隧道稳定系数影响最显著,增加围岩内聚力和支护压力是提升隧道安全系数最有效的方法。

Abstract: In order to analyze the shallow tunnel’s stability, the analytical methods for shallow tunnel’s sliding surface were set up on the base of the limit equilibrium method and the variational principle in the hypothesis that sliding surfaces were vertical line, inclined line or curve. The shallow tunnel’s sliding surface distribution and stability index were studied with the numerical simulation and analytical method. The results show that when F is equal to the static earth pressure and the sliding surfaces are inclined line and curve, the shallow tunnel’s safety factors and sliding surface distribution are consistent with each other for both sliding surface, the value of safety factor is minimum, and it is conservative to choose it for stability analysis for a shallow tunnel. The shallow tunnel surrounding rock’s cohesion, internal friction and support pressure have a little influence on the sliding surface’s distribution. But the tunnel depth has an evident influence on it. The shallow tunnel surrounding rock’s cohesion and support pressure have obvious influence on the tunnel’s safety factor, and the tunnel depth and friction angle’s effect on tunnel safety factor is unobvious. Increasing cohesion and support pressure is the most applicable methods of enhancing tunnel stability.


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