文章页码:261 - 266
关键词:高维非自治非线性微分系统; 全局稳定; Liapunov函数
Key words:nonlinear differential systems; total stability; Liapunov functions
摘 要:研究了刑式较为广泛的一类高维非自治非线性微分系统的零解的全局一致稳定、全局等度渐近稳定、全局一致渐近稳定、全局渐近稳定及不稳定性,并将其结果应用于研究分离变量型系统、变系数线性动力系统以及变系数飞机纵向运动方程的全局稳定性与不稳定性,得到一些新的结果,它们是过去难以得到的。
Abstract: In this paper,sufficient conditions for the total stability and unstability of a class of nonlinear differential systems with variable coefficients are obtained, and are applied to variable component systems and linear dynamic system. The results obtained are new and better than the previous ones.