


论文作者:冯其明 马运柱 王毓华 卢毅屏

文章页码:297 - 299


Key words:Eh-pHdiagram; point of three phase; univariant line

摘    要:提出了一种新的绘制Eh-pH图的方法.即依据化学模型求出单变线方程,选取某一种组分M为主组分,把含有该组分的所有单变线方程两两求解,求出其交点(Eh,pH),根据三相点的涵义和电化学意义,三相点若稳定,则在该点至少有3个不同的组分共存.此外,因某一组分优势区必须呈多边形,即每一个优势区中任何1个内角都必然小于180°,以此来判断所求的三相点是否稳定.然后,把稳定三相点和生成该三相点的所有组分用数组标记,若任意2个稳定三相点有2个以上的组分相同,便可连成线.

Abstract: A newmethod of drawing Eh-pH diagram is established. Firstly, all of univariant line equations which are based on chemistry model are attained. Secondly, a crossing-point(Eh, pH) is got by solving univariant line equations including a main component(Mi) one after another. Thirdly, concerning the meaning of the unvaried point and electrochemical concept, the existence of a stable unvaried pointmustbe supported bythree different cohabiting components and any inner angle of a predominance area must be less 180°. In this way, the unvaried point and its components can be marked by array and can be used as juding criteria in lining when two components of any two unvaried points are the same.


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